Get Your Ghostwriting Contract Template for FREE!
If you end up work with a ghostwriter that I refer you to, I will refund the full cost of the ghostwriting contract template
after your first payment to that ghost clears. You'll simply need to let me know that you've sent them a check and I'll be in touch with them to verify when to return your investment.
Resources for Hiring a Ghostwriter
If you'd like to search for a ghostwriter on your own, I encourage you to check out a good deal of information I've put online to help people with the process.
On this site, there is a series of articles that you can find here.
I have another series of shorter articles covering largely the same information, but with some additions. Click here.
And finally, I share some other thoughts in an online interview.
Thanks for stopping in. I hope this information is useful. Don't hesitate to get in touch for help in finding a ghostwriter, and please, do consider getting your hands on that contract template. I've done my best to benefit both writer and client with that contract.
Steve McCardell.