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High Country Archery Carbon Revolution Arrows

Arrows Manufacturer: High Country Archery
High Country Archery Model: Carbon Revolution
Review Category: Arrows

Purchase: When I first started bow hunting I was given a bow for christmas but no arrows. Well i was a little short on money at the time and bought one dozen carbon revolution arrows at Sportsman's Corner in Macon, Missouri. I only paid $40 at the time.

Things I like about the High Country Archery Carbon Revolution : Little did I know that these arrows would soon become very popular. Anyway I started shooting them with my PSE bow that had an IBO rating of 275-280 fps. Well i got curious because I was shooting thaem almost as fast as my friend who was using carbon express arrows and a Mathews bow. So i went and had it tested; and my arrows were flying at about 295-300 fps. that is a big jump and it suprised me very much.

What I don't like about the High Country Archery Carbon Revolution : What i don't like about my arrows is that they penitrate my McKinsey target up to 6 or more inches making for some tough arrow removal. but that really isn't a dislike it's more like a pain in the butt.

Carbon Revolution quality: The constructon of my arrows are 5 layers of supper high grade carbon. they are very tough.

Carbon Revolution summary: these arrows are asome and i suggest that everyone at least tries them before shrugging them off.

Rating for this High Country Archery product: 4

Author of this review on High Country Archery Arrows: Antonio

Date: 2004-09-28

Usefulness Rating: 4.2449 out of 5.
49 reader(s) voted.

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