Gabriola Island and the surrounding communities are alive with places to go and things to do. While you are at The Haven we invite you to enjoy some of the events and amenities the area has to offer.
Gabriola Island
Take in a concert at the annual Dancing Man Festival, tour the many galleries and studios of island artists, indulge in the summer salmon feast or enjoy the flavour of local sports tournaments. It's all here!
This vibrant community has produced a remarkable number of internationally known artists in many fields. Check here to find out what's coming!
The Port Theatre
On the shores of Nanaimo Harbour sits one of the treasures of the islands. The Port Theatre is a stunning building, both architecturally and acoustically, and continues to present an outstanding array of talented performers from every field of the arts. The Haven is proud to be an active supporter of "The Port".
Vancouver Island
The island is home to hundreds of musical, artistic, and theatrical events every year. Indoors, outdoors, large communities and small, there is something for everyone!