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Website Rankings & Optimization Service

"If your Website rankings are poor on Search Engines, your website is invisible to potential customers"

Website Rankings & Optimization Service

Website Rankings means Website Traffic

What good is a great website if it can't be found on the Search Engine your customers use. Website rankings or placement in search results is what brings traffic to your website. High search engine rankings or placement is a product of good keyword content, proper meta tags and linking strategies. Sounds simple but few websites are built with these search engine optimization principles in mind.

Search Engine Rankings and Meta Tags

Meta Tags tell the search engine robots that crawl all the submitted website pages to find what the web page is about, if the keywords that address your website are not here the robots will not properly identify or rank your website. This will lead to an invisible website (no traffic).  There will be no search engine ranking or traffic, so all the money spent on your website was not much good.

Website Optimization and Content

The content that is important in optimization and website rankings is not merely lots of words on the subject. I have seen website pages with 5 to 10 thousand words on a website page subject with terrible content, many never had the search term or search phrase in the entire website page. The term content in search engine optimization means, content of the search term or keyword, not a bunch of pertinent information on the subject. The search engine robots will crawl the your website pages looking for the search term or keyword that was entered to see if the web page content (keywords) matches the search term. The search engine robots will then gather all the search term data from the page and combine this with meta tag information for a match and add in your linking power to come up with website  rankings. This had to hit me between the eyes repeatedly, many times I felt I had optimized my keywords on my website page only to months later find I had done a poor job of it. All I could do was shake my head in disbelief, I now know to concentrate and check and recheck keyword content.

Search Engines and Graphics and Photos

Many a great looking web site with great graphics, photos or with flash have poor website rankings. Just because the web site looks good, doesn't mean the web site rankings are good. Search engine robots can't read graphics, flash or photos only text and the text needs the keywords or search terms to be effective for web site rankings and traffic.

Researching Search Terms and Keywords

When a website is built or optimized each page needs a purpose and related search terms or key words need to be a traffic generating (terms customers search on). The page then needs to be built with website optimization standards with these search terms in mind. Many times we think a keyword is searched on a lot only to find very few searches on the term actually occur. So search terms need to be researched and chosen for there traffic generating qualities.

Know Your Web Site Ranking Competition

Knowing your competition is something that would never be overlooked by any wining ball team or successful business. However on competition for search terms and website rankings little research of competition for search terms is done. Upward Rankings believes this is a critical step in improving website rankings. We include this in our Website Rankings & Optimization Services.

Why pay for pay for click Campaigns?

Pay for click campaigns are very popular these days. The only reason for using these campaigns is your website rankings are not high enough to carry your needs for traffic. Pay for click campaigns remind me of going to the doctor for an ailment and having the doctor write prescription to cover up the problem, it works but you get to pay for the prescription every month and the ailment never gets any better, usually worse, so you take two pills. Proper Website Rankings & Optimization should eliminate or greatly reduce the need for these pay for click campaigns. For what you are paying yearly for pay for click, we can apply website optimization and have your website rankings high on search engines.

Pay for click or Add Words campaigns are advertising campaigns, you pay for traffic if you stop paying, traffic goes away, instantly. If you choose to optimized your website instead what your doing is improving your site infrastructure. Every item upgraded stays with your website and improvements can last years.


Questions E-Mail Steve

Search Engines robots are machines they do not listen to reason just the facts.

  • Fact - Search Engines do not read graphics, photos or flash.
  • Fact - Search Engines rely on Meta Tags for information of what the website page is about, using this information in website rankings.
  • Fact - Its about search term content on the website page, no content no search engine rankings (poof your invisible)
  • Fact - As with anything, you over look the basics and the rest doesn't work.
  • Fact - If no one is using the search terms or keyword that you selected for your search engine optimization your website traffic will be sparse.
  • Fact - Pay for click campaigns are a mask for poor search engine optimization, and siphon dollars out of your businesses advertising budget.

Article on Website Rankings

How Search Engines
Rank Website Pages

By Danny O'Sullivan
Search Engine Watch

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