The Wayback Machine -
We specialize in web site design and redesign; web site consulting, search engine optimization and promotion services; music for your web site; creating banners and buttons for your web site; free tools for your webmasters and resources.

The Award For Excellence

Music For Web Pages 101 appreciates all the time, effort and hard work that goes into building a website. MFWP 101 is getting to be known not only for the thousands of resources for webmasters, but for the awards we hand out.

We DO NOT hand out the
Award For Excellence to just anyone.

Unfortunately, there are many offensive and adult websites out there that we reserve the right to reject. It's nothing personal. This decision by does not tread on the individual rights to pursue whatever site they wish to display on the Internet.

We visit each site and take into consideration the hard work and efforts by the Webmaster. We have given out several 1000 of these awards since October 2000. When you fill out the information below. You'll get an attachment in your email with the award URL, or, you may wish to 'save it to location' linking back to

The Award For Excellence
has a transparent background so it will blend
into any background on your web site.

Submit your site below for review. Every submittion will be visited and looked at. So don't be shy! Once your website is visited, you will receive a confirmation in the mail with the URL Banner Code!

My Music and Lyrics

Your url
Please provide a few words about your web site
in the space provided below:

Thank you and good luck!!