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 Saturday, June 09 2007 @ 01:32 PM Central Daylight Time

Craigslist and Google Alter Real Estate Purchasing

 Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version and have changed the way consumers buy real estate. There are some that believe this could alter the realtors’ functions on home selling and buying. Google is testing their new tool to sort though home listings. Craigslist home listings rose to 335,126 in March, which is triple the previous years numbers. Other services such as and and also offer free access to listings. The sites on Craigslist and Google have the potential to change the way customers search for real estate. This, in turn, is going to affect advertising dollars in other media, such as newspapers and television.
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Buyers Market is the New Trend in Real Estate

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When you check any recent news articles, you will read that the real estate market is slowing down. The banner years of 2004 and 2005 are now seeing a marked slowdown. But that isn’t all bad news. For the last two years, it has been a sellers market. Prices were skyrocketing, and sales were high, as well as appreciation values on the properties.

Many areas saw huge pre-construction sales, especially in the condo market. That trend is coming to an end. Investors are trying to sell off their properties, wanting to recoup losses, and that is flooding the market.
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Miami Real Estate Investors Find Value in Ugly Houses

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Real EstateIt's 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month, and 300 people have crammed into the Wyndham Miami Airport Hotel to hear Pete Youngs, an expert in rehabilitating properties, discuss "finding and rehabbing ugly houses."
Some have come straight from work and are still wearing their tool belts and coveralls to the Dade Real Estate Investors Association meeting. Others are dressed in suits or casual gear, but they all have a common interest: picking up useful information and sharing their experiences about investing in hands-on real estate -- handyman specials, "as is" properties, foreclosures and homes "for sale by owner" that can be fixed up and flipped for a profit.
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Commercial Real Estate Fundamentals to Improve Says NAR

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Real EstateWASHINGTON--The growing U.S. economy will eventually need to add workers, fostering positive fundamentals for commercial real estate, according to the National Association of Realtors(R) Commercial Real Estate Quarterly.
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For San Francisco real estate.......

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Real EstateOAKLAND, CALIF. – On one hand, Richard Hom knows better. Yes, this is California, where starter homes tend to have executive prices. And yes, interest rates unseen since the days of FDR have stirred homebuyers into a frenzy.
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