The Wayback Machine - - Bad singing is not a desease. With proper treatment and early diagnosis, a bad voice can be nipped in the bud.

Signing Up You or your Friend

It's a simple process signing up to and adding your song to

You need to have the song on your computer. If you don't know how, click here.

If you are signing yourself up, CONGRATS ! You're an honorable person and it's a buck. But ya don't get your voice reviewed by the judges. After you pay the buck, you'll get an e-mail with a link to a page with directions on where to go to upload your song and information.

If you are signing your friend up, WAY TO GO ! Click the Pay Pal below and pay the $5.00 Processing and Maintenance Fee through Pay Pal. Contact us for alternative options in paying the $5 bucks. You will get an e-mail with directions on where to go to upload your song. Your review is there for the world to read after they hear you.

Each additional submission is $5.00 per song. Judging from what has been submitted so far, they should be 50 bucks per song because several listeners have had to seek psychiatric help.

Once the song is reviewed by our Reality-Check Staff, you will be notified.

Let's get started!

Without Review : $1.00 With Review : $5 Bucks

Click the Can't Sing Pay Pal button below and pay the buck. You will get a special e-mail where to go to upload your recording to us. But for a buck, you're not gonna get a review by the judges. You want a review? Go to the one on the right!

Pay the $5 bucks and you will get an e-mail with instructions on where to go to upload your friends recording. Reviews and recomendation link is e-mailed to you ASAP.

Disclaimer: This is strictly a for fun site and is no way a road block in a person's attempt not to follow their dream of becoming a pop-star or a professional singer. This is merely an attempt to call attention to the fact that ... YOU CAN'T SING!

Visit's Blog Here

Without music, there would be no love in the world. Without you singing, there would be peace and harmony in the world.