1. Do you have a catalogue?
website is our catalogue. We do not produce a printed catalogue.
2. Do you ship outside the USA?
If you would like candles shipped outside the 48 contiguous states please email for a shipping quote and special code to use on the website. Please be aware you are responsible for all customs requirements. When you ask for a shipping quote, please be sure to include a
street address, No P.O. boxes please, and the exact products you would like to order.
3. What do you mean by no return
because you don’t like the scent?
put, because fragrance is such a personal thing, what one person likes, the
next person may not. Please choose carefully and if you’re unsure of a scent,
order a small votive to try it.
4. How long will it take to get
my order?
To ensure your candles are fresh, we now have most candles made to order so please allow time for this. If ordering a personalized candle, please allow time for printing and polishing. There are occasions when your
order may take a few extra days, such as orders placed during the holiday season and extremely large orders.
5. What is triple-scented?
candle will only hold a certain amount of fragrance. Triple scented means that
1.5 ounces of fragrance oil per pound of wax is used, as opposed to the
standard of .5 ounces of fragrance oil per pound of wax. The triple quantity
of fragrance results in a stronger scent.
6. What type of wick do you use
for your candles?
candles, both soy and paraffin, carried at Kerry's Scented Candles have lead free wicks.
7. Do you accept credit cards?
we accept Visa and MasterCard and we also accept PayPal Payments. You do not
need a paypal account to pay with your American Express or Discovery Card.
8. What if my candles arrive
orders are carefully packaged to minimize possible damage and breakage. If
your order has been damaged or destroyed due to improper handling while in
transit, you should fill out a damage report with the delivery agent. We do
not take responsibility for goods damaged in transit once they leave our
warehouse, however we may refund a portion of your order in such cases. You
may also be eligible for full compensation from the delivery agent.