Alaska & Washington Salmon, Steelhead, and Halibut Fishing Guides, Charters & Lodging |
1-866-Fish2Day |
- Alaska Salmon, Halibut, Trout Fishing & More - Olympic Peninsula, Washington Salmon & Steelhead Fishing Guides - |
- Welcome to Piscatorial Pursuits - Whether you're looking to book an Alaskan salmon & halibut fishing package or a Washington fishing trip on the Olympic Peninsula, helpful info on how to fish on your own, recipes, tide tables for halibut fishing or clamming, or perhaps some of the most popular fishing bulletin boards ... you've found the right place! Our site menu will load to the left. Just mouse-over the buttons for links to the information or fishing trip that you're looking for. If you have any difficulties viewing the menu, text links appear at the bottom of every page! - Site News - April 28, 2007 ... Rowan and her first encounter with an Olympic Peninsula spring chinook. Hopefully, this will be the first of many salmon pix coming in future years for little Ro-Ro. The arrival of the OP springers is a mixed blessing for us. It signifies the end of our winter fishery here in Washington but also means that our Alaska fishing season is just around the corner. The Sandhill cranes have already made an appearance working their way northward and we're never too far behind. For those looking for trips, an update on booking status: for our 2007 Washington fall salmon fishery, dates are getting extremely few and far between with only about 4-5 dates left for the season. A few groups are making their plans for next season's steelhead fishery ... there is still lots of room available for single days of Olympic Peninsula steelhead fishing, but if you're looking for specific dates or a block of multiple days / boats ... this is the time you should seriously thinking about making your plans. April and May always brings the last minute rush for Alaska salmon and halibut fishing this coming summer is in full swing. Prime king dates are pretty much wiped out, but there is one block in the first week of June that just opened with a group bumping their dates up into May ... we've got an excellent special on these dates to try to fill them here at the last minute. Please visit our Specials Page for more details. There are still a few holes here and there in the fringe times for kings as well as during the August silver run. A group or two is booking everyday right now though, so lodging and fishing trip type options are starting to become a little tighter and usually continues to do so as summer approaches; the longer you wait to make plans, the less limited your options become (to usually nothing at last minute). |
Alaska Fishing - Salmon, Halibut & Trout Trips & PackagesFish the world-famous Kenai Peninsula with Piscatorial Pursuits!
Alaska king, silver & sockeye salmon fishing trips, Ninilchik & Seward halibut fishing charters & more! Piscatorial Pursuits' guests lay claim to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th place fish in the 2006 Kasilof River Salmon derby ... our guests also took daily first place prizes on 10 of the Derby's 15 days! For more than a decade we've offered both local anglers as well as visitors to Alaska unsurpassed service & expertise fishing one the world's greatest salmon & halibut sportfishing destinations: Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. Join Bob on the Kasilof River or experience one of the area's other fisheries with one the regions' most experienced team of salmon, halibut, and trout fishing guides ... averaging more than 15 years experience in their respective fishery of expertise! You can choose from single-day fishing trips or a fishing / lodging packages. Our Alaska fishing season runs from mid-May through the end of August. Our fishing trips / packages include Kenai & Kasilof River king salmon & silver salmon, Deep Creek halibut fishing, Seward combo trips, trophy trout, fly-outs, glacier cruises, razor clamming & more. We offer our Alaska fishing guests a number of choices for waterfront lodging too. You can choose from tasteful Alaskan cabins or lodge-style accommodations with waterfront choices including: a lakefront setting, nestled along the banks of the Kenai River, and overlooking Cook Inlet. We take pride in providing the highest personal service ... starting with honest, no-hassle trip planning all the way through to helping you and your catch of Alaskan salmon & halibut make it home safely!
Alaska Halibut Fishing Charters |
Washington Fall Salmon, Winter / Spring Steelhead, and Spring Chinook Fishing - Olympic Peninsula, Washington Fishing Guides -
Fish with Bob and other experienced guides on Washington's renowned Olympic Peninsula for king salmon to 60+ pounds, silver (coho) salmon to 25, and the world's largest strains of winter-run steelhead like this one above. Our Washington salmon & steelhead fishing season runs from October through early May. We offer guided salmon and steelhead fishing trips on the Hoh, Sol Duc, Bogachiel, and Calawah Rivers. |
Please Support Our Sponsors!! |
Sales, service & fully loaded fishing tackle dept.! |
One of the hottest offerings for steelhead fishing! |
For bulletin board members, you can upload pictures to the Members' Fishing Photo Gallery. This week's thumbnail (click on the picture for full version) of a random photo from the gallery: Uploaded by: Weedhopper Description: Native hen |
- Contact Info - Email: RLBALL@OLYPEN.COM To Contact Us by Phone : Toll Free, year-round: 866-Fish2Day (347-4232) Local Numbers (907) 260-5362 May 15 - August 31 in Soldotna, Alaska (360) 374-2091 Sept. 1 - May 15 in Forks, Washington Have a question, or like to book a fishing trip/ package?? Use our online information / booking request form, or check on the left sidebar to see if our live help is currently online! Thanks for continuing to make Piscatorial Pursuits one of the most popular salmon / steelhead / halibut fishing sites on the web! 52,534 visitors viewed 1,073,857 pages in October, 2006. You
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This site, pages, and images designed by and copyright material of Bob Ball, Bob's Piscatorial Pursuits - Alaska and Washington Steelhead, Salmon, and Halibut Fishing Guides / Charters - Forks, Washington and Soldotna, Alaska, USA. Encounter any problems?? If so, please Email us. |