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Today on java.netJune 29, 2007

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Java Today

NetBeans To Take on Rival IDEs at JUG Cologne Shootout
NetBeans will be taking on rival IDE's at a JUG Cologne shootout on July 3. "The rules are simple: Get on stage and give a 30-minute presentation. At the end of all segments, the panel and the audience will have an hour-long open discussion. The event will be held at the University of Cologne (Germany), with NetBeans Evangelist Roman Strobl representing the NetBeans IDE."

JavaFX Script Productivity Part I of II: Learning
The Rich Internet Applications blog at Canoo has an entry discussing experiences developing a "Music Pinboard" application with JavaJFX. The conclusions of JavaFX Script Productivity Part I of II: Learning include a need for visual tools for the beginning developer, and greater fidelity to Swing conventions for the experienced Swing developer. "Sun and the wider JFX community will have to improve its current level of Java-syntax and WYSIWYG tool support for JFX, if it is to find acceptance with programmer and non-programmer alike."

Java 3D 1.5.1 now available
Version 1.5.1 of the Java 3D API is now available for download. Highlights of this release include: Windows Vista Support, Automatic fallback to D3D pipeline if OpenGL unavailable, JOALMixer-based audio engine, Automatic mipmap generation, Pack200 support for Java Web Start applications, Support for new JNLPAppletLauncher utility (based on JOGLAppletLauncher), etc. See the release notes for more information.


Roger Kitain MobileFaces, Mobile JSF Kit and GlassFish
Two weeks ago, Ericsson announced that MobileFaces, a core library based on the JSF architecture for extending web applications to mobile browsing devices, went open source. The core MobileFaces library is currently based on the JSF 1.1 specification. The library not only makes it easier to develop mobile web applications, but it also utilizes a key extensible piece of the JSF architecture - RenderKits and Renderers.   Roger Kitain

Stanley Ho OpenJDK Modules project: Early snapshot, video, and more
We have just made an early snapshot of the JSR 277 and JSR 294 implementation available through the Modules project on openjdk.   Stanley Ho

Ja, Jazoon
All software developer conferences should be held in movie theatres....   Gregg Sporar


Java2D anti alias rounded corner fidelity problems
I'm writing some nice looking components, or I'm trying to at least.. Is there any way to affect the anti aliasing "weight" on normal draws, like lines and the rounded corners of a RoundRectangle2D? They are too heavy in general. You can see this for instance in the roundness of the buttons in the Numbus L&F. Look at the third "Close" button from the left in the top row. The top corners are too thick. This happens only for darker colors though.  

Layouting components with a ratio
I have been looking over forums and every places i knew for the answer to my current problem. I have a JPanel, using GroupLayout to handle the content. Amongst the components, i have one that ought to be layed out with a fixed ratio (width dependent on height). Actually, i tried 'playing' with preferredSize/miniSize/maxSize, then each and every trick i could gather/discover. I can not _unfortunately_ apply aspect ratio to the content of my ratioed(?!) component, as the content must take all place to be visible.  

how to get rid of absolute paths to WSDL in generated classes?
I noticed that wsimport puts the location of the WSDL into the generated service class ( as an *absolute* file URL (...SERVICE_WSDL_LOCATION). This is of course a bad habit, since it will prevent these classes from running properly after the service has been deployed in a totally different environment where the WSDL is not present at this location or not present at all. For my application, this results in error messages like "Failed to access the WSDL at: file:/C:/..." whenever a SOAP fault is generated. Can wsimport be prevented from doing this, and forced into using a web application context-relative reference (like /WEB-INF/wsdl/foobar.wsdl) instead?  

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Metro: The GlassFish web services stack has a new name: Metro. Combining the JAX-WS RI and WSIT projects, Metro is "a high-performance, extensible, easy-to-use web service stack. It is a one-stop shop for all your web service needs, from the simplest hello world web service to reliable, secured, and transacted web service that involves .NET services." More information and perspective is available in introductory blogs by Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Arun Gupta, and Harold Carr.

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