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Alaska Fishing and Lodging on the banks of the Kenai River. Vacation rental cabins and guided fishing from our lodge in Soldotna.

Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker • 1-800-622-1177

Alaska Fishing News and Reports

Alaska Fisheries News

Welcome to our news center.  Here you will find:

  • Alaska fishing reports during the fishing season
  • Alaska fishing forecasts
  • Articles of interest related to salmon, trout and steelhead fisheries around the world
  • News articles related to Alaska fisheries resources in general.
  • News articles related specifically to the Kenai Peninsula and Cook Inlet fisheries.

ADF&G Emergency Orders And Regulation Reminders.

Kenai Area

An Emergency Order has been issued to allow the use of bait in the lower Kenai River from 12:01 a.m., Tuesday, June 11, 2007, through 11:59 p.m., Saturday, June 30, 2007. Bait may be used from a point 100 yards downstream of the Moose River downstream to the mouth. All other regulations remain in effect, including the slot limit and the use of only one single-pointed hook.

The Reason For Opening The Kenai River For Bait Fishing

The Kenai River and Kasilof River Early-Run King Salmon Management Plan (5 AAC 57.160) directs the Department to achieve the optimal escapement goal of 5,300 to 9,000 king salmon. Through Saturday, June 9, the total in river run is approximately 6,192 king salmon and the estimated total harvest is 253 king salmon below the Soldotna Bridge. The ADF&G Kenai River creel survey indicates the harvest of king salmon has been lower than usual due to the combination of turbid water conditions and low angler effort.

Alaska Fishing Reports

Fishing Report: June 23, 2007


The Kenai River came up considerably in the last week after a spell of hot weather resulted in snow and glacial melt. The river held its color despite rising daily until late in the week when it became too dirty to fish effectively. Late Thursday through mid day Saturday saw less than optimal water conditions and less productive fishing as the river was more of a cloudy grey than its typical turquoise green. On Saturday afternoon after a day of clouds and cooler weather, the Kenai finally regained a slight hue of green, though fishing remained far lass productive than earlier in the week. The majority of the early run kings seemed to have moved upriver with the higher water and the numbers of fish entering the mouth remains lower (200-400 fish daily). The fish appear to be moving very fast in the higher water and this has definitely hampered fishing success. Nonetheless, a fair number of king are still being caught daily with most boats landing 2-5 fish per day. The early run should remain on the decline and we should begin to see the first scouts of the late run arriving soon. July is just around the corner.

On the Kasilof, king fishing remains fair even though we are past the historical peak for the early run fishery. Boats are still averaging 2-7 kings per day but this likely will not last as again this run typically is past its peak by this time in June and will very likely see a dip in the action before the late run kings arrive in mid to late July.

Remote fisheries

Big River Lake and Wolverine Creek are producing limit catches of red salmon daily as the first waves of fish to this location seemed to be very strong. A number of sockeye have already entered the creek itself but many still remain in the cove at the mouth of Wolverine and new fish are arriving daily. Bears have been seen on a regular basis although so far this season it has been more black than brown bears.

The Chuitna has plenty of kings in the system but low clear water has them off the bite. Recent cloudy weather and rain will likely improve this location considerably before the widow for the fishery passes July 1.

Mark's Fishing report, June 15, 2007

King SalmonKenai / Kasilof

The Kenai River is now maintaining a consistent turquoise green color and with the use of bait beginning Tuesday, fishing success has also become more steady. Catch rates are considered fair to good with most boats landing multiple fish per trip. The river has a large number of smaller jack salmon (kings from 5 -15lbs) present and these are providing great action between hook-ups with larger kings. Our boats have been releasing a fair number of fish that are over the 44 inch slot range but there are also plenty of nice 25-40 lb. fish that are beneath the slot and perfect for those wanting to take a fish home. Sonar counts still remain good but have declined since the spike of over 1000 fish on June 8. The run should remain strong into late June before numbers of late run kings begin to enter the system. As long as the river holds its color and the fish counts continue to be above 500 fish per day, good fishing for Kenai king salmon can be expected.

For recent sonar data, please see:

Trout fishing on the Kenai opened this week with fair results below Skilak Lake. The number of fish has been quite good with anglers landing 15-30 fish individually per trip. Many rainbows are still completing their spring spawn so some are displaying vivid coloration but many have chromed back up and look bright and very healthy. This fishery will only continue to produce great fishing until its season peak in the fall.

The Russian River is seeing good numbers of sockeye salmon and these fish can be seen splashing along the edges of the main stem Kenai on a regular basis. Reports from those fishing the Russian itself have been very positive with limit catches from the confluence up to the falls. Those willing to walk well upriver from where the Russian meets the Kenai are finding plenty of fish and far less people.

Kenai kingOn the Kasilof, the number of fish entering on the tides has begun to wane although there does seem to be more fish in the holes upriver and action remains fair. We are past the seasonal peak for this run so one should expect this fishery to taper off over the next week to ten days. The ratio of “natural” or wild fish to hatchery fish seems to be at least 50/50 with good numbers of both fish currently in the system. Water levels are rising fast with our recent dose of warm, sunny weather.

Remote fisheries:

The Chuit is quite low for this time in June but good numbers of king salmon are available. The fishing is only considered fair with anglers landing 1-5 fish per rod, per day. The clarity of the river is holding steady so although it is on the low side, the fish are still biting good and are not too spooked by super clear flows that can sometimes dampen the fishing on this small remote river. We have enjoyed exclusive access to some of the river’s prime holding water with the helicopter and even though the number of fish has not been excessive, our trips have been quite successful. When and if the river rises and more kings push upriver from tide water, the fishing should improve dramatically.

On Big River Lake and Wolverine Creek, good numbers of sockeye are now entering Redoubt bay and the mouth of the creek and fishing had been good. We are also starting to see bears arrive and this has made for some excellent viewing opportunities to go along with limit catches of red salmon. This run should only get better and better into July before the much anticipated run of silver salmon arrives.

Mark's Fishing report, June 9, 2007

Kenai / Kasilof

Kenai KingThe Kenai River finally regained its emerald green color late Friday and intro Saturday and fishing was again possible. Success rates varied river-wide but there was some decent action for a handful of guides ands lucky anglers. Despite excellent fish counts, fishing success is still considered less than average as water temperature hover at 42 degree, considerably colder than normal for this time of year. Nevertheless, for those here vying for that one chance at the largest king salmon on earth, some did realize their dreams. One lucky angler on my boat landed a fish that taped 52 inches and was an estimated weight of 70+ lbs. This is what the Kenai is all about. Fishing conditions will improve drastically (without additional rain) by Tuesday and we are expecting next week to be very productive.

Good numbers of Russian River Red salmon are also showing and those willing to put in the time are catching a handful of these delicious salmon.

On the Kasilof river, fair numbers of king salmon are entering on each tide and fishing is considered fair to good. The success rate is less than normal for this time of the season but it should continue to pick up and get better considering run timing statewide has been late overall. Fishing pressure had been high due to the adverse conditions on the Kenai but this should even out now that the Kenai is more fishable.

Mark's Fishing Report, June 6, 2007


The Kasilof River is seeing good numbers of king salmon in recent days although the number of boats on the river has been extreme on certain days and this has had a direct effect on fishing success. On days when there are a moderate number of boats fishing, the catch rates have definitely been better as there are only a finite number of kings available daily. Overall though the run continues to improve and it should get better through this week as we head for the seasonal peak of this run (typically June 10-15).

On the Kenai River, fishing on this past Friday and Saturday was considered very good with most boats landing between one and three kings. The river was closed for the regular Sunday and Monday break and on Tuesday high winds and rains over the weekend in the Kenai mountains muddied the water and made king fishing all but impossible. The dirty water increased water levels considerably and made visibility very poor. Until the river cleans up (likely not till Saturday), king fishing on the Kenai will remain very tough.

West Side Cook Inlet: Fly Out fisheries

Sockeye returning to big river Lake have made their first appearance and catchable numbers of fish are present in the outskirts of the lake. Water levels on Big River and Big River Lake are very low but the fish are balled up in select locations and catch rates have been decent for the few trips angers have made to this location.

Cook Inlet Halibut / King Salmon

Cook Inlet halibut fishing remains very consistent with limit catches being the rule for all boats heading out for these tasty flatfish. The tides are less than optimal now but will improve daily heading into next week. King fishing in the Inlet has slowed and many captains have put away the troll gear and are not fishing for kings in combination with their halibut trip as the results are not worth the effort. This is typical for this time in June as the kings move past the marine fishery and enter the rivers.

King SalmonMark's Fishing Report, May 30, 2007:

Water clarity on the Kenai River improved considerably in the last two days and the number of kings entering the river continues to increase daily. With the better conditions, fishing success has also picked up, although catch rates are still only fair. Fishing should continue to improve into the first week of June. Fishing on the Kasilof river has also picked up with more fish available in the last two days. This fishery should also continue to pick up as we enter the first week of June as this is historically a very productive time for this river.

Mark's Fishing Report, May 29, 2007:

Much like 2006, the early runs of king salmon on both the Kenai and the Kasilof Rivers are off to a fairly slow start. Numbers of fish on both rivers have yet to materialize though enough kings are showing in each system to providing some decent action mainly around the high tides.

King SalmonOn the Kasilof, fishing is gradually improving each day but the river is still very low and the best fishing seems to be in the lower portion of the river and is occurring a few hours before and after the high tides. Boats are averaging one to three fish per trip and it seem clear that the major push of early run Kasilof kings has yet to arrive. The larger numbers of fish should improve fishing considerable and we hope this will happen in the next week to ten days.

King Salmon

On the Kenai, fishing last week was considered decent with decent numbers of fish being taken around the high tide in the lower river but recent rains have put the river off color and as a result, fishing success has waned. The water is clearing daily and fishing for early run Kenai kings should pick up throughout this week. Sonar counts are slowly increasing.

Please see:

Cook Inlet salt water fishing has been the most consistent so far this season with good king salmon fishing at times and very good catch rates for halibut in the 20-40lb. range.


Good luck on the water and great fishing!

Mark Glassmaker

Mark's 2005 fishing reports
Mark's 2006 fishing reports

Book Review:

Looking for the Ultimate Alaska Fishing Resource? Look no Further.

TOP WATER by Troy Letherman and Tony Weaver is the bible for those wanting to sharpen their knowledge of the vast and varied fishing options available here in America's Last Frontier. From Southeast to the Arctic Circle, from Steelhead Trout to Arctic Grayling, this book covers the whole gambit of fishing the Greatland. The unique blend of exquisite writing and epic photography makes TOP WATER an immediate addition to the top shelf.

Top Water, Fly-Fishing Alaska, the Last Frontier. By Troy Letherman and Tony Weaver. 294 pages, hardbound, published by

For a signed copy of his book, contact Troy directly at:

News Articles of Interest:

Alaska fishing and lodging on the Kenai RIver.
Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker
33361 Keystone Drive, Soldotna, Alaska 99669


© 2003-2007, Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker
This site developed by Philip R. Gantt

Additional Lodging Information

Alaska fishing and lodging on the Kenai River.