Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
By contributing valuable bug reports, code patches and test cases you will get world wide recognition, a free MySQL Enterprise subscription, and a unique opportunity of shaping your DBMS the way you want it.
What's behind MySQL bugs processing? Who handles your bug report? Why does it take so long? These, and many other questions are answered in this article about the internals of MySQL organization.
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MySQL users often dream about a more powerful yet stable database server. They want a server with more features, like expanding macros, customized logging, access to shell commands, access to live tables from other DBMS. Every feature, given enough development time, can be eventually implemented, but users want them now, with the current GA server.
It can be done. Using a proxy server, some of those dreams come true. Today.
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During my years as a Developer/DBA hearing the words "customizable" or "extensible" always brought a slight smile to my face, particularly when they were used in conjunction with a software sales pitch or evaluation. In fact, more often than not, while presented as product features, these words often really mean, "you can do some additional things with this software if you are willing to invest significant time and resources into doing so". Even today, some of the most popular open source and commercial software solutions provide application programming interfaces (APIs) and plug-ins that are really nothing more than containers that allow you to provide your own code. The goal being to make an off-the-shelf product more applicable to the problems you are attempting to solve without having to write a customized application from scratch.
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Lookup tables contain, in general, a fixed list of data. This data doesn’t change very often in database business applications. Examples of this data could be a product list, category type, supplier list, state name, zip code, phone area code, etc. In Windows and Internet web business applications, most of these lookup tables are graphically implemented by using ComboBox, ListBox or CheckListBox read-only controls. These controls are loaded with data using two main columns, ID and Name. For example, the USA state table, the ID could be ‘CA’ and the Name ‘California’. Some times, for standard Windows form and Internet web page we need to show data to the end-users from many of these lookup tables. A fast data loading process and defining the main column values for each lookup table is required. In this article I will show you standard lookup data loading procedure and the generic classes object to store and read-only the values of the ID and Name columns from the lookup tables. Selecting and finding the ID and Name values will be provided. Executing stored procedures with input/output parameters in MySQL 5.0/VB.NET 2005 will be covered in detail too.
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Today, Lenz was putting together some stats on PlanetMySQL feeds added since January this year, and asked in an email whether he should include totals in the stats. I responded yes, and offered a quick SQL solution to get those numbers out of the database. I thought it might be useful for others, so here goes...
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