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Fly Fishing Guide Schools ~ Alaska fly fishing Guide Schools ~ Alaska Fishing Guide Schools


Alaska Adventures fly fishing guide school located in Alaska and North Carolina will teach you all the secrets to becoming a top fly fishing guide

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 Fly Fishing Guide Schools ~ Alaska &Pennsylvania fly fishing   

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   Alaska fly fishing guide school  lodge on Alagnak River for Trophy Rainbows,char,grayling and Salmon Top Quality fishing guides offering a wilderness experiance.Alaska Adventures operates two fly fishing guide schools: One basic fly fishing guide school in Pennsylvania and one Advanced fishing guide school in Alaska.  If you are ready to learn all the skills needed to become a top fly fishing guide, come join us at one of our 2007 fly fishing guide schools!  Master fly fishing guide Capt. Charlie Summerville and his staff of international fishing guides have over 20 years experience as full time fishing guides and make these schools what they are.

If you want to get a basic introduction to fly fishing and a couple of floats down a river this guide school is not for you!  Our students quickly become valuable assets to us and to the fly fishing community with their new fishing and boating skills attained through our fly fishing guide schools.  From day one, Alaska Adventures fishing guide school lead instructor and office manager will be with you step by step helping you through United States Coast Guard paperwork and instructing you on the details and credentials that you will want to have prior to taking the guide schools. 

Alaska Fly Fishing Guide School - Date: June 1-10, 2007 - Price: $3,000 

  Do you have the dream of becoming a fly fishing guide and you are not sure where to start or how to get your foot in the door?  Our 2006 fishing guide school program went very well and we ended up hiring 2 of our students even before they came up to Alaska to go through our program.  Acting as both training for new guides and a world class guide school, the environment is set to get you in a boat and on the water fast. Learn fly fishing~ Jet boat Basics ~ Prop boat basics~ Rafting Basics ~Wilderness Cooking ~ wilderness Survival basics ~ Fresh water fishing techniques for 5 species of Salmon and Rainbow Trout, Reading  & understanding tide books and weather and map reading navigation and gps navigation skills. And the most important, Guide attitude and stream etiquette as this will make or break a guide.  To read more about the curriculum click the fishing guide school above.  

      A lot of hands on fly fishing and practical boating experience will be the core focus of this course as you will have many sessions of Jet boat training/driving ~ Prop boat training/driving ~ Rafting Training/Rowing and reading white water. Our school includes all meals, instructors, and lodging We will teach you the secrets that our guide have acquired over the past 20 years. Students will have the chance to fish this world class fishery for Rainbows, Char, Grayling and Lake trout.  The  modern lodge is a wilderness marvel located in the heart of Katmai National Parks Wild Scenic Alagnak River, 40 miles NE of the town of King Salmon and is only accessible by floatplane charter.    Hot  fly fishing right at camp 24-7.        2006 Guide School Photos !!!

    Our 18-21 ft. custom jet boats with Yamaha  jet motors give us unlimited access to learning the fine art of jet boat driving and daily maintenance and safety procedures.

   Alaska Fly Fishing Guide Schools Package Prices    

Guide School Curriculum

10 day Deluxe guide school  $3,000pp - deluxe guide school in Alaska on the world famous Alagnak river. You will learn from real Professional guides in a working Lodge atmosphere . This includes lodging, 3 meals daily and all equipment and instructors used during your Guide school,  Alaska Deluxe Fishing Guide School Dates 1st session June 1st-10


Pennsylvania Fly fishing Guide School       Spring Sessions: March 13-20,

7day guide school- $2200pp includes all lodging at Pamilico River lodge, 3 meals  daily, All guide instruction practical and book work, cpr-first aid certification course.  Our fly fishing guide Schools run Sun-Sun and you will be learning  10 hours a day 8am-6pm with a 45 minute shore lunch break were you will learn the fine art of fine riverside cuisine cooking and food preparation of fish and meats common in the guide industry.


AAA  Fishing guide school Deposit Amount:
To initiate a reservation at AA fly fishing guide school  a 50% deposit of the package price per person is required. Final payments are due upon arrival. Reservations are only confirmed when deposits are received.

Included in A.A.A  Alaska fly Fishing guide school  fly Fishing guide Package:

  • Transfer from King salmon airport to Branch River Air for charter .
  • Private room accommodations (2 -4 persons to a cabin)
  • 3 meals daily
  • Fully stocked fly tying area
  • Alaska traditional wood fires Sauna
  • guided fishing/instruction on the water 7 out of 10 days
  • Nightly fly casting clinics or fly tying seminars
  • six custom jetboats with Yamaha motors 

Not included in A.A.A  Alaska Fishing guide school Lodge Package:
Airfare to King Salmon, Alaska; BRA-Air charter to camp $200,   fishing license$35, items purchased at the lodge; overnight stays and/or meals in Anchorage (if necessary)

A.A.A Fly Fishing guides schools  Lodge Travel Logistics:
Getting to the Alaska fishing lodge on the Alagnak River is simple alaska airlines to King salmon then a 30 minute floatplane trip with Branch river air,Accessing A.T.A fly fishing school Lodge is fairly straightforward. Fly from your home city to Anchorage, Alaska. Then fly from Anchorage to King Salmon, approximately one hour. In King Salmon you will be greeted by ATA  Lodge staff who will transport you and your luggage to Branch River Air charter  by private shuttle van. Transfer to a Float Plane and enjoy a scenic  30minute plane ride across Katmai  National Park to the lodge. The staff will whisk your bags to your room, while you shake hands with the hosts and then pick up your cabin assignments and sample the yummy appetizers. Because of flight schedules for various points in the lower forty-eight, it may be necessary to overnight in Anchorage either on the way in, way out, or both.

Accommodations at A.T.A  Alaska Fishing Lodge & River Camp:
A.T.A Lodge is on the scenic Alagnak river in Katmai National Park in the heart of the world famous and exquisite Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska. This modern facility is an ideal site for small corporate meetings, Fishing guide Schools, business entertaining. The well-traveled angler will recognize the extras that make a stay at ATA Lodge a trip of a lifetime. Easy access, modern facilities and unsurpassed trophy fishing make us the classic Alaska  lodge and new guest cabins at our Alaska fishing lodge on the Alagnak riverOutcamp experience. Sauna,  sumptuous dining, a comfortable lounge and recreation area are added features of ATA. A large deck surrounding the facility is just steps from the dock,  and boats. Large bay windows frame views of the Alagnak River valley and the beautiful mountains beyond. This is a rugged immense land of startling beauty - a great place to just step out of everyday pressures and relax. At the end of the day each 2 students will have the oppurtunity to fish on there own and practice there skills they learned that day. Then students retire to there own private room/tent cabin .  You will sleep on a real bed (not a foam pad ); your window looks out over the River and the bathroom is just a few steps away. For couples or females, Alaska adventures guide school will be  featuring a private cabin for females or couples.

Weather During Alaska fly fishing guide school
Alaska weather can be unpredictable. It is wise to dress in layers, preparing from temperatures ranging from 40 degrees to as high as 80 degrees. It also may mist or downpour, so a quality rain suit is imperative on your trip to Alaska to keep you warm and protected from the elements.

The Alaska Adventures fly fishing guides schools Fishing Program:
The goal at Alaska Adventures fly fishing guide school is to take advantage of the many fly fishing opportunities for the various species while they are in their prime seasonal runs. To accomplish this, each day you will be jet boated  out to one of our 3 rivers accessible from the lodge, depending on the species that you are interested in. Each evening,  Lodge staff will confer with you to see what kind of experience you are up for. The instructor guides will then get the necessary gear put together in the tackle room. The next morning, after breakfast, you'll board one of our jetboats and head out with your instructor/guide (or to a spike camp with an instructor/guide waiting) to one of the 3 world class, and in some cases world famous, rivers and streams of this region.


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Email :Alaska Fishing Guides Schools 
  Phone : (1-877-801-2289)

Alaska fly Fishing guide school  — "Worth wading for!"

ATA Practices strict catch & release for all Trout-Char-Grayling

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