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glossary of ingredients used, glossary of ingredients used, glossary of handcrafted soap ingredients
A Natural Perspective

After several requests by you, this glossary lists the ingredients used in the products made or offered by us. We hope you'll be patient with us as we continue to develop the glossary.

CALENDULA - Calendula flowers have long been used to cleanse, stimulate circulation and wound healing. Other reported use of Calendual include relief of skin eczema. The herb's active compounds include triterpenoids (anti-inflammatory) and flavonoids.

CAT’S CLAW - All of our deodorants contain a rainforest herb called Cat’s Claw, also known as Una de gato. This powerful herb has documented properties that include; anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumourous, anti-viral and immuno-stimulant.

CLEAVERS - Cleavers is a common hedgerow weed that is a wonderful cleansing remedy, clearing toxins from the system, reducing heat and inflammation.

GREEN TEA - Green Tea contains vitamins: A ,B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, P & U, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Chromium, Selenium & Iron.

Green tea also contains - catechins - potent antioxidants that provide healthy benefits and the ability to neutralize free radicals.

OLIVE LEAF - Olive leaf extract (oleuropein) is a natural antibiotic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal compound. It has been reputed to destroy only the bad bacteria and protects the good bacteria.

ROOIBOS - Rooibos tea has shown to have anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activiiesy.

Almond Oil, Bitter - An essential oil from the bitter almond tree. Typically used as a flavoring; it has a somewhat cherry scent.

Almond Oil, Sweet - An oil expressed from the nuts of the sweet almond tree. It is used as an emollient in skin creams and is also used to soften ear wax. The tree is native to SW Asia but is widely grown in warm regions for its nuts. They grow to an average height of 7 m; they have attractive pink flowers and are grown for ornament in cooler regions.

Aloe Vera

Chamomile Essential Oil - may help calm and relieve restlessness and tension. Its anti-infectious properties benefit cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Chamomile is still extremely useful in the treatment of many women's problems such as dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension, and cystitis.

Evening Primrose Oil is powerful antioxidant and source of Gamma-Linolenic acids.

Cold-Processed Hemp Seed oil - "Natures Most Perfectly Balanced Oil" It contains the perfectly balanced Omega 6: Omega 3 ratio of 3:1, which is necessary for long term human consumption. Hemp seed oil also provides an adequate supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc.

Olive Oil, Pure - Oil pressed from the fruit of the olive tree (Olea europaea). Small greenish-white flowers produce fleshy oval berries containing a hard stone. Olive oil is one of the finest edible oils. It is also used in making soaps, cosmetics, and textiles. Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer since it attracts and holds moisture close to the skin.

Rose Essential Oil -Rose Otto essential oil is excellent for any skin care preparation, especially for mature and sensitive complexions. It is also reputed to be a cell regenerator and especially useful for anti-aging and combating wrinkles. Rose Otto essential oil works with the bodies own self healing function to provide a feeling of well-being and happiness when used in massage. DO NOT USE ANY ESSENTIAL OIL NEET. DILUTE WITH CARRIER OIL OR CONSULT A CERTIFIED AROMATHERAPIST.

Rose Hip Oil - One of the best anti-aging oils, it reduces fine lines by promoting the regeneration and restructuring of the skin cells. It also reduces scarring by softening the skin and diminishes the appearance of broken capillaries. Rose Hip oil is rich in vitamin A and essential fatty acids. Found in our Hydrating Lipids Facial Oil

Rose Water -The natural rose water is a gently cleansing and toning product for all skin types. Maintains the pH balance, stimulates regeneration processes, has a calming effect in acne and sunburns. As a result the skin texture becomes even and elastic. Recommended use: skin irritation; nourishing and hydrating facial and hair masks; for moisturizing the body after bath; for damp baths in dry skin; for frictions in dry and damaged hair


Please note: The above information is only an informational tool. It is not a substitute for the medical advice of a physician or any other health care professional. It is not to replace your current medical procedure. These statements have not been evaluated nor diagnosed by the Food & Drug Administration or by Health Canada.