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  The Thinker
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Dog sculptures represent one of the most popular sections of our Animal Gallery.

Known over the years as hunters, herders, guards and companions, dogs have played a significant role in man society. The first appearance of the domestic dog dates back 20,000 years ago when man first realized that the dog could be a key tool during the hunt, whether for sniffing a trail, pointing a target, or flushing a cozy. As man survival needs changed and evolved to life, as we know it today, the dog role evolved as well.

Today, an Best Friend is a loyal companion awaiting the next command of their master. It has even been stated in medical journals that the companionship of a dog can contribute to their owners physical and psychological well-being. As well, canines are trained to assist the handicap, to help the law officials detect drug trafficking, and to sniff out concealed bombs and weapons.

Welcome to, Our goal is to provide our patrons with the most complete collection of statuary and statuary services available. Sculptureyard is very pleased to make it possible to acquire beautiful art reproductions at affordable prices. In the past, unfortunately, it was only the wealthiest who could own these valuable pieces. Although sculptures are still associated with affluence, it is now possible through this collection of reproductions for those of modest means to also enjoy a piece of history.
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