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Saturday, Aug 18, 2007
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Through Our Coolest City Directory and B2C clients we have the ability , to reach the audience your looking to reach. Wether its an General consumer or people who like Disco, we can reach your targeted demographic with permission and consent of our subscriber data base.

In the U.S. there are over 250 Million email users dominating the global market as a means of communication. Consumers check their email more frequently than they hear the Radio, watch Television or read the Newspaper and the numbers are growing steadily. According to " Pew Research Center", the percentage of Internet users who check their mail on a daily basis has jumped from 50% in 1996 to more than 59% in 1999, and still growing today in 2004. Jupiter Communications predicts by 2005 the market will surpass 7.2 Billion in Internet marketing sales.

Our mission is to provide a broadcast of highest quality double opt-in permission based emails in the market for your company at a convenient price through our many affiliates. More importantly create a long lasting relationship with your company for years to come. Whether your company's goals are to micro target a specific audience, Brand Awareness, Increase sales, or Build a database, Coolest City can cater to all your email needs. With our up to date tracking technology and every tool needed for a successful campaign, the possibilities are endless in what we can do for you.

Q: What is OPT-IN Email?

A: Opt-In is referred to as a permission based marketing. When a subscriber fills out an online questionnaire or survey with one of our several networks, he/she provides us with their demographics and special interests on what they want to receive. It all varies from a sweepstakes or special offer.

Q: How does a permission based email list differ from Spam list?

A: Permission based email is the antisepsis of Spam. When you are using a Spam email list, you are using a list that his been harvested without a persons consent. These emails were taken, without the email recipients permission, creating server problems and many filed complaints. When you are using a permission based email list, you list, you are using a list of emails from a site where a person has given you permission to send them emails and offers.

Q: Direct Email vs. Opt-in:

A: Direct Marketing is the online equivalent of direct mail (snail mail), only better and more efficient. An average campaign can bring in a response rate of 4% -18% results or inquiries as high as or greater than 30% compared to the average of 1% to 2% response from direct mail. Recipients of this type of campaign are more likely to forward this message to a friend, family, or other interested party creating viral marketing. This type of direct marketing is done more often then sending everyday postal mail.

Q: How are the lists we use compiled?

A: Lists are compiled through thousands of online sites we manage of approximately 150 million emails . Most people who sign on to an internet site ask to receive promotional type emails based on their interest. This allows us to target the best avenue for your campaign. Within various targeted lists we can then tell, who has made online gift purchases within the last six months and the type of products they have purchased. We do not own all of our lists. As for the sites we affiliate with, we make sure that all data is double confirmed. We do this by keeping up to date information on current subscribers and new subscribers, all of the information is given to us upon request.

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