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Over Under Chartersis the largest owner-operator of offshore charter fishing boats on the East Coast. We currently have four sportfishing boats operating in some of the best locations on the East Coast and Bahamas. We are dedicated to customer service and quality of experience and operate only top notch equipment. Our air charter service is uniquely positioned to service vactioners, boaters, and angling enthusiests, with service to and from the Bahamas from South Florida.
Over Under in the News
Over Under Adventures has been featured in these and other renowned Fishing Resources. Click the on the image below to read or view the featured episode.
Over Under Aviation is a fully licensed, FAA PART 135 Air Taxi Operator. Over Under specializes in air charter service to the Bahamas, especially Rum Cay, Cat Island, Long Island and Staniel Cay. All of our aircraft are maintained by certified mechanics pursuant to strict FAA Part 135 guidelines. Over Under operates frequent flights to Rum Cay, Cat Island and Long Island. If it's a Bahamas Flight you are after, please call Over Under!