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Our District
Crook County School District Prineville, Oregon


Crook County School District is a progressive school district located in Central Oregon approximately 35 miles NE of Bend and 19 miles East of RedmondGolf_Course with a total enrollment of approximately 3102 students. The District consists of one high school; one middle school grades 6-8; three in-town elementary schools grades K-5; one rural school in Powell Butte grades K-6 and one rural school in Paulina grades K-8. The District is served by the High Desert Educational Service District located in Redmond.


The Crook County School District is an organization with integrity, a model for educational success, and a recognized leader for excellence in helping students dream, learn and succeed.



The mission of the Crook County School District is to work together for high academic achievement and exemplary citizenship for all students by establishing a learning system based on performance excellence, continuous improvement and safe and efficient operations.




School District Goals

High Student Achievement

1.                  All students will read at their grade level.

2.                  All students will meet grade level math proficiencies in benchmark areas.

3.                  All students will show grade level proficiency in writing by reaching state scoring guide standards.

4.                  All students will graduate from high school


Safe Learning Environment

5.                  All students will be taught in learning environments that are safe, drug-free and conducive to learning.


Efficient and Effective Operations

6.                  All district operations will be conducted in an efficient and effective manner with an expectation of continuous improvement.


Barney Prine, who built a blacksmith shop and store/saloon on the banks of the Crooked River, founded Prineville in 1868.  Prineville (population 9,990) is Central Oregon’s oldest town and the Crook County seat.  Crook County (population 22,775) was named for General George Crook in recognition of his efforts in resolving the 1878 Bannock Indian conflict.


Prineville’s major economy presently comes from ranching, agriculture, wood products industries and the Les Schwab Tire Center headquarters.  Progressive industrial parks located near the airport are attracting many manufacturing, warehousing and transportation businesses. Small businesses, service industries, a unique city-owned railroad and two large irrigation projects add to the economy. 

With an abundance of natural beauty, open spaces and blue skies, the area offers unlimited recreational opportunities including backpacking, water sports, fishing/hunting.

Major destination resorts are developing and people outside our region have discovered the quality of life in Crook County. 

Prineville is surrounded by the spectacular Ochoco National Forest and Crooked River National Grasslands. Ochoco Lake and Prineville Reservoir are open for year-round fishing. Prineville Reservoir State Park contains a campground and swimming area.

The Crook County Chamber of Commerce and other community service groups such as Rotary and Kiwanis provide exceptional support. The District has a full complement of Co-curricular activities that are valued and supported by the community. Site Council and parent teacher organizations are active at each of the schools and provide excellent support for building administrators.



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Crook County School District
471 NE Ochoco Plaza Dr. Prineville, Oregon 97754