Improvements on the Lap After laptops sit on a bed, a sofa or a lap for an extended period of time, a notebook computer can become uncomfortably hot, even dangerous.
A Beautiful Vine, Then a Buried Treasure Jack Osman is a professor by trade but took up potato farming more than five years ago.
In Costa Rica, Built for Books and Breezes Spare the trees, says the client. His son the architect finds a way.
When the Garden Designs the House The house Christopher H. Browne bought will be shaped by the surrounding 18 acres to a degree he never imagined.
Adding an Extra Room for the Sky For star-struck Americans, a new kind of home theater.
Correction: Currents A brief report in the Currents column on Sept. 6 about Mater, a home accessories company in Copenhagen, misspelled the given name of one of the product designers. He is Todd Bracher, not ...
Personal Shopper: Task Lamps in the Spotlight Good lighting and good design go hand in hand for reading and working.
In the Garden: For a Beloved Mother, an Elegy in Nature A daughter remembers her mother's love of the land.
An Irish House Hides in Plain Sight This house blends in, in a way a classic pitched-roof cottage does not.
Refeathering the Empty Nest Many parents are dealing with the departure of college-bound freshmen by remodeling their child’s former space.
Surfing the World Wide Couch Conversation and a couch are plenty for the young, networked traveler.
In the Garden: Organic Looks Easy, if You’ve Got a Royal Staff Composting and clipping are big jobs at Highgrove, run organically by the heir to the British throne.
Ranch House Made Over: From Modest to Modernist Retain the structure, skip the nonessentials and stay on budget.
Sometimes in Life, Three’s Not a Crowd Three women sharing property lines: that was just the beginning.
Trading Up From Red Paper Clip to White Picket Fence Fame, a house, a book deal. He owes it all to a single paper clip.
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