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Mother Dao The creator-goddess of the Indonesian island of Nias. She created the Earth by collecting all the dirt of her body and kneading it into a small ball on her knee. She became pregnant and ...
Ajatar In Finnish folklore, an evil female spirit of the woods who suckles snakes and produces diseases. She may be of Lithuanian origin (see Aitvaras). In southern Estonia she is called Äi.
Akhtya In Zoroastrianism, the chief of the yatus or sorcerers.
Alburz In Persian mythology, a sacred mountain, the first mountain, around which the sun and the moon revolved. Light shone out of it and light was absorbed by it, but on the mountain itself it ...
cuachag A water-sprite or fuath of the Scottish Highlands. Loch Cuaich, south-west of Kingussie, is named for this fuath.
Adiri In Kiwai belief, the afterworld, the land of the dead where life is similar but easier than life on earth. Adiri used to be a barren place, inhabited only by Adíri and his daughter Díviro.
Qudlivun The afterworld of the Central Inuit. It is a happy land in the sky full of games and pleasure.
cìrein cròin A fabulous sea-monster in Scottish Gaelic tradition, reputed to be the largest of all creatures and capable of devouring seven whales. In songs and legends it is variously known as cuartag ...
cabyll-ushtey The Manx water-horse, similar to the Scottish Gaelic each uisge yet not as dangerous or greedy. Still, it may occasionally seize cattle and tear them to pieces, stampede horse, and steal ...
tarroo ushtey In Manx folklore, a malevolent bull which lived in swamps and shallow pools. Occasionally it leaves its haunts to roam among the farm cattle. The tarroo ushtey is derived from the tarbh ...
bwbach A Welsh household fairy which may be helpful or mischievous. It is a scold to teetotalers and dissenting ministers. The bwbach is best known in the three Glamorganshires.
bunadh na croc Another Irish name for the fairies. The name means 'family/host of the hill.'
bunadh beag na farraige The Irish name of the fairies of the sea. The name means 'family/host of the sea.'
arkan sonney The fairy pig of the Isle of Man. It is usually described as white with red ears, and is able to change its size at will although not its shape. The fairy pig is believed to bring good luck ...
angau In early Welsh tradition the personification of death.
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