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Denial of Service

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks and Tools
A bibliography of recent papers and advisories on DDoS attacks and tools, by David Dittrich of the University of Washington (USA).

Whatis Definition of Denial of Service
Definition plus discussion of various types of DoS attacks and how they work, including Buffer Overflow, SYN, Teardrop and Smurf.
Public service which proactively scans for networks acting as smurf amplifiers. Denial of Service Investigation and Exploration Pages
Analysis and investigation of the DoS threat posed by Windows XP, and reports and logs from when was the victim of a DDoS attack. How to Stop a Service Denial Attack Before It Stops You
Shawn P. McCarthy provides a quick overview of various kinds of DDOS attacks. He also explains why defending against this type of attack requires upstream infrastructure providers to cooperate with the victim.

Denial of Service Help Page
Advice for victims of Denial Of Service Attacks, geared towards users of IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Sans Institute Global Incident Analysis Center
Special notice and analysis of Rootkit/Smurf Payload Toolkit v 1.1.

Internet Storm Center - Slammer Worm Analysis
Detailed analysis of the Slammer worm responsible for recent widespread denial of service activities

CERT Incident Note: DoS Attacks Using Nameservers
Description of how intruders are using nameservers to execute packet flooding denial of service attacks.

DDoS Is Neither Dead Nor Forgotten
How DDoS attacks have developed over the past year, and what has been learned; preparation is essential to prevention. []

More Denial of Service Sites

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