Fishing Tips, Fishing Information for Saltwater Anglers
Saltwater fishing tips for all styles and types of saltwater fishing. Anglers may freely post tuna fishing tips, big game fishing tips, marlin tips for things like how to rig offshore trolling baits, striper fishing tips, flounder fishing tips. From a wide range of tips that include bottom fishing tips, wreck fishing tips to boating and navgation tips.
Our fishing reports section has been updated and moved to our new
Fishing Reports page. It is a much better fishing report setup to bring you fishing reports from coast to coast. Now featuring state and regional or local categories such as Outer Banks, Key West, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Oregon Inlet, Hatteras, and more. Please use the new report pages for any and all fishing reports. Check em out and enjoy! As it stands now this page will now be carrying saltwater fishing tips, tactics and methods. We are simply converting it from a fishing reports page to a fishing tips page, no big deal. With that said......
Welcome to FinTalk Fishing Tips! No matter where you fish or what fish species you target you can post your salt water fishing tips here for your fellow sportsmen to read. All anglers are welcome to post fishing tips whether you are a charter boat Captain, First Mate, Guide, or everyday fisherman. We are glad to have saltwater fishing tips for many types of saltwater fishing including tuna fishing, billfishing, sport fishing, offshore gamefishing, striper fishing and more. Let us and your fellow anglers know about your fishing tips. Please post tips on knot tying, trolling, casting, surf fishing, pier fishing, deep sea wreck fishing, or anything you feel is a good fishing tip or tactic to help other sportsmen catch more fish.
Fishing tips aren't the only type of tip you can post here, if you have tips on winterizing your boat motor, tips on running and navigating a boat, safety tips or anything related to boating and boating safety please submit those tips here too. Many of our fishing tips or boating tips are submitted by Captains, Mates, and Guides who run local saltwater fishing charters so you can for the most part count on the fishing information as being fish worthy. Fintalk Fishing Tips, Enjoy the site and 'Hold His Head Up!'
By posting Fishing Tips on FinTalk you get:
To offer a little know-how to less experienced anglers.
Some free exposure for your charter or guide business. You may add your Charter info in your posts.
To advertise your fishing website as there is a spot to add your website address.
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