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Saltwater Fishing Angler of the Month

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Angler of the Month! Angler of the Month! Angler of the Month!
Angler of the Month! All about the Angler Angler of the Month!
Angler Name : Roberto Torres
City : Miami, Florida
Country : USA
Occupation : Student
Photographer : Roberto's Dad
Fish Information
City caught in : Miami
State/Country caught in : USA
Marina launched from : Blackpoint Marina
Time caught : Midday
Species : Barracuda
Weight :4 pounds - 22 inches
How long was fight : 5 minutes or so
Bait used-live,lure,etc : Shrimp
Kept or released : Kept
The Big Fish Story

Roberto was fishing with his dad for snapper. As Roberto was fishing he says the barracuda just came swimming along and because he wasn't catching any snapper right then he wanted to catch that barracuda. And that is exactly what this young fella did. Roberto wound up his rig, baited with live shrimp and casted it right at the barracuda at which point he took the bait instantly. At that point young Roberto had quite a little fun fight on his hands with very light tackle. Roberto fought this tooth filled creature to the boat where his father helped him put it in the cooler.

It is always nice to see a young boy take such an interest in fishing and from his picture we can all see how much Roberto enjoys it. Congratulations Roberto on being the Angler of the Month, or so.

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