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fishing lunar tables

Lunar Tables, Solunar Charts

Astro Tables also known as Lunar tables at The "Lunar Periods" section lists the times the moon is overhead and underfoot each day. The length of a lunar period can range from one hour to three-and-one-half hours, depending on a number of important lunar cycles, such as how close the moon is to the earth that day and how high its orbit is. This data is based on solar, lunar research at a leading college of astrophysics and the PrimeTimes research pond/wildlife area. Annual data is supplied by the U.S. Naval Observatory. All lunar times are adjusted to the center of your time zone and for Daylight Saving Time. Enjoy the Lunar Chart.

Fishing Lunar Tables

"Under the Solar Lunar Influence"

Written By Rick Taylor

The fact is the moon does have an influence on the earth and its life forms. Its overhead and underfoot positions generate the tides each day and can lift the earth's crust a foot or so. A human baby's time from conception to birth is exactly nine lunar months, and more of us are born during the new or full moon than any other phase. Studies have shown that when shut off from outside stimuli, namely sunlight, many creatures will adjust their daily routine to the lunar day (approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes long).

There have been numerous scientific experiments conducted on the subject, but one of the more convincing was when Dr. Frank A. Brown, a biologist at Northwestern University, had some live oysters plucked from their home off the seashore of Connecticut and flown to his lab near Chicago. Oysters are known to open their shells in tune with each high tide, and....   read more

Fishing lunar tables PrimeTimes Wall Calendar for your lunar tables, moon best times, and astro chart which is recommended for those wishing to find more complete data on the best days and times to go fishing and hunting for the entire year. Visit for more information

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