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Fishing Resources and Information

Saltwater Fishing Resources

Fishing resources include fishing tools and fishing information to help us all becomes more successful anglers. With all the fishing know-how on or connected to this resource page you should be able to find something to put in your fishing arsenal to help you be the best angler you can be. Tidal information, lunar tables, marine weather and buoy reports are just a few of the fishing resources you can access here. We are constantly creating and adding new and original resources to keep your fishing information up-to-date and fresh. Please browse the page and if you think we could add something more that would appeal to novice and professional fishermen alike then please drop us an email with your suggestions. You can use this form or you can email us here


If you are a saltwater fisherman then tidal predictions are a must. We all know how fickle a fish can be and sometimes knowing exactly when the tide will be changing or when slack tide is can mean the difference between having an empty cooler or having a successful day of fishing. Same goes for the marine weather and buoy reports for your region. Get all your atmospheric data right here:

  Get valued information or get connected to the sites that have the information you need like where to get a fishing license or boater's registration for your state. How about some fishing articles or fishing reports and fishing tips for your area? There are numerous conservation sites to look at and visit. Fintalk has lots of information for the saltwater angler and we are adding more so check back frequently.

   Fishing Knots and much more! Add to your fishing knowledge and add to your success on the water. We have fish species identification with fast facts about each fish such as feeding habits and what tactics work best. Learn to tie fishing knots for all occasions. Also boating terms and boating safety information. Check out our page on basic lure knowledge along with an article on fishing etiquette too.


  We call it the "FIN FORUM", we sometimes call it the Fish Talk Forum but no matter what you call it you can be sure it is all about fishing. From general chit chat to tall tales, to fishing reports and tips from the guys that know their stuff. We have novice fishermen putting in their reports and also trying to gain a little helpful fishing info. We have seasoned Captains and Old Salts giving their first hand knowledge of what's biting and what they are biting on. Check out the fishing forum and see what you can find out.

Here is a mixed bag of items for your pleasure or for your fishing arsenal. Have a special event? Use the fishing event calendar to post fishing tournament information. Upload your photographs of those grand daddy stripers you caught to the Fin Gallery so other anglers can see your success.Visit the fishing classifieds to buy and sell outdoors gear.

This is our special business directory for businesses that only deal in fishing and other related products and services. This is a place for sportsmen to come to find reputable goods and services for the sport they love so much. Get hooked up with a good fishing charter. Buy a custom rod for the trip. How about a place to stay or a taxidermist to do the fish mount? These are the businesses that support Fintalk and they are all right in here.


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