Written by Pangie
Contributed by Dancing Moon Child
A Pagan is a person who
believes that everything has a soul or spirit. This is called Animism, and
all Pagan religions share this belief. Rivers, animals, rocks, trees, land
are all filled with there own unique spirits for people who are Pagans.
Christians believe that only humans have souls or spirits, Pagans see the
divine spirit in all life.
Is there more than One Pagan Religion?
There are hundreds of different Pagan Religions. Some of the best known
Pagan religions are Buddhism, Shintoism, Native American Religions,
Hinduism, Taoism, Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, Shamanism, Neo- Paganism and
Eclectic Paganism.
Is Paganism a Cult?
No, Paganism is a major World Religion, with many branches. More people on
Earth are Pagans than any other faith. Some Pagan groups may be classified
as cults, just like some Christian groups are cults.
The Christian groups headed by Jim Jones at Jonestown, who committed mass
suicide, and the followers of David Koresh at Waco, Texas are both
considered cults, but they were once considered Christian denominations.
Any religious or spiritual tradition can have cults in its midst, that
does not mean that the entire tradition is a cult. Wackos and religious
charlatans come in all religions, denominations, and races.
The word Cult is often used as a slur word to disparage someone else's
religious beliefs. It is frequently used derisively toward non-white or
indigenous folk cultures and their beliefs.
Are Pagans Devil Worshippers?
No, Pagans do not worship the Devil or Satan. Pagans do not believe in the
Devil, he is part of the Judeo-Christian Religions and mythology. Most
Devil worshipping groups are not Pagan, because they are centered on a
Judeo-Christian supernatural being, namely Satan. These Devil Worshippers
are a sect of Christianity, even though Christianity does not want to
claim them.
Their focus is on opposing the mainstream Christian God and honoring the
Devil, neither of these beings are part of Paganism. There is a tradition
that calls itself Satanist. Satanists are not devil worshippers. They do
not believe in god or the devil or any force outside themselves and other
living creatures. They believe they can control their lives without the
need to place responsibility on a higher power of any kind. Devil
worshippers on the other hand sometimes do claim to be Satanists. This
leads to lots of confusion.
People often confuse the Occult with Pagan Religion, this is a mistake,
and they are very different things. Many religions, including; Pagan,
Non-Pagan, Christianity and Judaism have occult aspects, many do not.
Are Pagans Witches?
Some Pagans are Witches, some are not. Many Pagan groups do not practice
Witchcraft. Wiccans are a type of Pagan Witches; there are also Dianic
Witches, Green Witches, and other types of Pagan Witches. There are also
Christian Witches, many of these people are practicing Christian, but also
practice Witchcraft. Santeria is a South American religion that is a blend
of Voodoo, Witchcraft and Christianity.
What do I need to be a Pagan?
A love of Nature, and a commitment to live in harmony with the Earth and
Her creatures. You need to feel in your heart that it is where your own
spirituality is leading you. Paganism is for Pagans, only you know if you
are a Pagan in your heart.
What is a Pagan Ritual?
A Religious or Pagan Ritual is anything that focuses your spiritual
energy. A church service is a ritual, so is a wedding, or a funeral, or a
Hopi Sun Dance. Humans have created rituals since the beginning of time.
Ritual is the way humans express their connection with divinity and each
There are many kinds of Pagan Ritual, personal rituals you do by yourself,
full moon rituals, by yourself or with a group. There are blessing rituals
for a new home, or for children, or for healing, or cleansing. There are
protection ritual, and banishing rituals, to name a few. Your Grandmother
may have placed a horseshoe over the door; this is a popular form of
simple protection ritual that is rooted in Pagan tradition. Or throwing
salt over your shoulder if it is spilled, so as not to attract bad luck.
For Wiccans and Neo-Pagans there are some basic Ritual Traditions that you
may have heard about. Many Pagan Ritual begin by honoring the Earth and
the 4 directions, as well as the elements the directions represent, Air,
Fire, Water and Earth. A circle is cast and blessed with water, smoke,
salt and light in honor of these elements. Rituals often include, singing,
chanting, dancing, drumming, poetry and hymns to the Goddess or Gods. Some
Rituals are very complex and are almost like a play; other rituals are
very simple and flow with the energy of the group.
Do Pagans believe in Jesus?
Some do and some do not. Many Pagans believe in a wide variety of higher
beings. Jesus is one of these beings for some Pagans. Some believe he was
a great spiritual teacher, but not a god. Some have no feelings about him
at all.
Who is the Pagan God?
There is no single Pagan God. Some Pagan faiths, like Hinduism and
Eclectic Paganism have many Gods and Goddesses. Some Pagan Traditions like
Taoism have no Gods or Goddesses. Some popular deities with contemporary
American Pagans are Artemis-Diana, Inanna, the GreenMan, Isis, Brigid,
Rhiannon, Apollo, Kore, and Demeter.
What is a Goddess?
The first deities humans worshipped were Goddesses. A Goddess is the
female creative and life giving forces of the Universe and much more.
Do Pagans Pray?
Yes, many Pagans pray and many connect with the divine in other ways. Many
meditate as a form of prayer, other drum as a form of prayer; others
chant, sing or dance. Some dedicate each task they perform during the day,
to the Goddess. Throughout human history people have spoken to their Gods
or Goddesses through many different kinds of "prayer".
When a Muslim prays, they bow toward Mecca, when a Christian prays they
cross themselves, when a Buddhist prays they chant or make a sand Mandela,
when a Pagan prays, they may be chanting, doing ritual, hugging a tree or
picking up litter on a beach, as a way of connecting with their Goddesses
or Gods.
How do you become a Pagan?
You look into your heart and ask if it is the right path for you. Some
people are born Pagans, even though they do not even know the word, others
are born into Pagan cultures, and many others become Pagan when they
search their hearts for a connection with their Spirits.
To become a practicing Pagan, you must learn to look at Nature and begin
to honor her ways and cycles. Many new Pagans begin by celebrating the
phases of the Moon. This can be as simple as taking the time each evening
to gaze at the Moon and sing softly to yourself. Make up the words as you
go along, you will be amazed at how easy it is. Really look at plants, and
your cat, sit quietly and see if you can feel their energy. The first
steps to becoming a Pagan are becoming aware of the magic of the natural
world around you. The second step is do a small personal ritual and
self-blessing that celebrates your entering the Pagan Path.
What do Pagans do?
Pagans try to live in harmony with the Earth and raise their children to
honor the ways of Nature. Pagans strive to strengthen their understanding
of this miracle called Life. Pagans go to school, go to work, pay taxes,
clean house, garden, raise kids, make art, watch TV, do not watch TV, eat
at McDonalds, do not eat at McDonalds and love or hate computers, just
like everyone else. Pagans are just folks who have a different religion, a
Nature Religion that teaches them to honor all life. Pagans honor their
Goddesses and Gods with the same faith that non-pagans have their own
Where are the Pagan Churches?
There are thousands of Pagan Temples around the world. Most Eclectic
Pagans, Wiccans and Native American Religions do not worship in churches.
Because they are Nature Religions. Religious Rituals are often held
outside, in parks, fields, wooded groves, at a beach or lake, anywhere
that promotes a connection with Nature. Large public rituals are often
held in auditoriums, small rituals are often held in people's homes. There
are also Virtual Temples and Altars online.
Why do people say bad things about Pagans?
People often ridicule what they do not understand. Fundamental
Christianity seems especially threatened by Pagans, although I do not know
why. Many hateful, ridiculous, and untrue things about Paganism have been
said by Fundamentalist preachers, who obviously were not paying any
attention to Jesus message. Hate and prejudice were never a part of Jesus
teachings. Hollywood has also created many damaging and untrue stereotypes
to sell movie tickets. Funny, no one believes Robo-Cop is real, but people
seem anxious to believe any absurd thing said about Pagans or Witches. (NO
"The Craft" was not realistic or true at all!!!).
Can a Christian be a Pagan too?
Many cultures have a blend of Christian and Pagan beliefs within their
Christian Religions. Irish Catholicism, Mexican, Italian and South
American Catholicism all have incorporated many Pagan beliefs and customs
into their Christian faith. I am sure there are many others, but these are
the ones I am most familiar with. The crowning of Mary on May Day is from
the older Pagan custom of "Crowning the May Queen" as a representative of
the Goddess.
Religious belief is a very personal thing; it is the most personal thing
about you. How you express your spirituality is no ones business but your
own and what you believe is between you and your higher power. Your truth
is in your own heart, honor it and do not let anyone limit it.
How do I start learning about being a Pagan?
You look into your heart and begin asking yourself questions about what is
sacred. The essence of Paganism is within you, many of the answers are
there. Hopefully, this group will enable you to learn more about Paganism.
Start with remembering to be grateful to the earth for sustaining your
life and giving you food.
What can I do if my family or friends think it is bad to be a Pagan?
You can try to educate them. If this does not work, quietly develop a
Pagan heart.
You can begin by trusting your own perceptions. Then honor Nature and
learn her ways. You may not be able to buy books or go to public rituals,
but you can watch a small patch of grass for 10 minutes and really see it,
all true power comes through understanding.
You can gaze at the night sky and feel the power of the Moon, and get to
know Her phases.
You can learn about herbs, and the environment.
You can practice sewing, so when you can have ritual clothes, you will be
able to create beautiful ones.
You can look at National Geographic's at the Library and learn about Pagan
societies and beliefs around the world.
You can go to museums and see ancient Goddess & God figures.
You can study about Native American customs.
You can pick up litter as a way to be a Pagan honoring Mother Earth.
You can meditate.
You can collect pictures of Nature.
You can soak in a tub and do a private ritual in your mind, as you bless
the water for its life giving essence.
You can notice if the plants or animals around you need food or water.
You can thank the Earth for each bit of food you eat.
You can learn to recognize what Nature is saying by listening.
Regardless of what your friends or family believe, you can practice your
faith in small, simple, healing ways that will create a powerful spiritual
energy within you and strengthen your connection with the Earths Wisdom
and Spirituality.
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