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Timeshare Resale Questions And Information

We answer allot of questions! - That's why EZTimeshare has put together this list of our most frequently asked questions or FAQs.

These questions cover many different topics and field a wide range of our most common "How do I" questions from new and potential timeshare owners. If you do not find your question listed here please feel free to contact the webmaster for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you advertise your competition on your website? We want you to see the other companies! They don't want you to know about us, but we want you to know about them. Since they charge 6 times what we do for the same thing we feel you should have this information first. Time share owners look to this site for information. We are fast becoming a trusted source for this information.

We make it our business to point out these companies and to expose as many time share resale scams as we can so that we can continue to do business in accordance with the Better Business Bureau policies.

Why are your ads so inexpensive? It's not so much that our ads are inexpensive, it's really that the other companies charge way too much! They hire salespeople or telemarketers to solicit your business. These salespeople typically receive 40% of the price you paid for the ad as their salary. If your advertisement cost $500 the telemarketer who sold it to you made $200 of that as their commission. We also keep our company overhead low and use technology to automate allot of the processes.

Do I need to create my own advertisement? We can create your advertisement for you on the phone in a matter of minutes, or you can fill out a simple online form and do it yourself. We have a database of prepackaged timeshare resorts complete with color pictures, descriptions, and contact information free to use. Just select your resort from the list.

How do I close on the deal when I have a buyer? Once you have a deal worked out with the buyer (your asking price and who pays closing costs) you simply call us and we will have someone from the closing company we use call you to get the ball rolling.

How much does a timeshare closing cost. Different closing companies typically charge between $250 and $500 depending on how many title searches are requested by the buyer of your vacation property.

Do I need to be present at the time of closing? Most companies DO NOT require you to be present in order to close the deal. This might vary depending on the title company you use.

Are there any other fees to be paid? - Other than our advertising fee of $100 and the closing fees there are no other fees to pay unless you are renting your timeshare and wish to use a rental escrow service.

How long does it usually take to sell my timeshare? That's the million dollar question in the timeshare resale industry. The simple fact is nobody really has the answer, and if they tell you they do, they are about pull a timeshare scam on you. We do know that if you put your timeshare in front of millions of people the chances are much better. That's why we use the power of search engines and marketing to put us all over the Internet. See For Yourself and put us to the test.

Should I rent my timeshare? - If you are looking to offset your maintenance fees occasionally or put potential buyers into the unit to preview it then YES, renting your timeshare is a good idea. Renting a timeshare is like taking a test drive in a new car. Potential owners just love to get into the unit before they buy it and get a feel whether it's right for them. The owners can then offset the maintenance fees and put a few dollars in their pocket each year.

How much is my timeshare worth? Appraising timeshare is tricky. Since it is only a week of time setting an actual dollar value is tough. The resorts sell for a lot more than a resale company, check with a resale website and look at some of the same timeshare and see what they are selling for. We have a Free Market Value Form to fill in so you can find out how much your timeshare is worth in minutes.

How do I sell my timeshare. Selling your timeshare is not an easy task, however if you do your research and make sure you understand what you get for your advertising dollar it's always less complicated.

Why do I have to pay up front to sell my timeshare. The simple fact is that there are only a few people who can sell timeshare and they are agents, brokers, and you. Brokers and real estate agents are all allowed to legally charge a commission on the sale. That's where they get paid. Since we cannot charge a commission we charge a $100.00 administrative fee for one years advertising. See Up Front Fees.

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