Soy Votives
These highly scented votive candles are made with 100% soy wax. Always burn your votives in a tight fighting votive candle cup. When burnt this way your votive will burn completely away. With over 170 scents to choose from, these soy votive candles are the perfect choice for trying out new fragrances.
FREE SHIPPING with total product order of $100 or more
Item NumberSV
Price $1.89
Scents AlmondAmarettoAmber RomanceAngel KissesAngel WingsApple PeelApple PieApricot & CreamBaby PowderBaked Cinnamon ApplesBananaBanana Nut BreadBayberryBlack CherryBlack Raspberry VanillaBlackberry Blackberry SageBlueberryBrown SugarBubble Gum Butt NakedButter Cream Blueberry Muffin ButterscotchCandy CaneCandy CornCantaloupeCappuccinoCarmelCarmel AppleCarmel CookieCarnationCarrot CakeChamomileCherry AlmondChestnuts & Brown SugarChina Rain Christmas AppleChristmas EveCinnamon ToastCitrus Blast Clove Coconut CakeCool Citrus Basil Cotton BlossomCotton CandyCranberryCrème BruleeCucumberCucumber MelonCustardDolce & GabbanaDowneyDrakkarDream Angels HaloDream Angels Heavenly Dream Catcher DreamsycleEgg NogEndless LoveEnglish IvyEucalyptusEucalyptus SpearmintFig TreeFrankincense & MyrrhFrankincense & RainFreesiaFrench Vanilla Fuzzy NavelGardeniaGerman Chocolate CakeGingerbreadGrandmas KitchenGrapeGravityGreen Clover & AloeHappy HarvestHazel NutHeatherHeavenHershey ChocolateHoneydewHoneysuckleHot Buttered RumHot Fudge Brownie HuckleberryHypnotic Poison Indian Summer JasmineJuniper Breeze LavenderLeatherLemon ChiffonLemon GrassLemon Pound CakeLemongrass and SageLick Me All OverLilacLily of the ValleyLavender & VanillaLog CabinLove Spell Mac AppleMagnoliaMango PapayaMarmaladeMarshmallowMistletoeMoonlit Path Mountain ForestMulberryMulled CiderMuskNature HikeNoelOatmeal Raisin CookieOcean Dream Odor EliminatorOrange JuicePassionate KissesPatchouliPeach JamPearberryPecan PiePeppermintPina coladaPine ConePine NeedlesPineapplePlum GoodPlumeriaPomegranatePumpkin PieRainRain ForestRaptureRaspberry Raspberry LemonadeRed Hot CinnamonRelaxation Rose PetalsSageSandalwoodSex on the BeachSnicker doodle Spell BoundSpiced CranberrySpiced OrangeSpiced Sugar PlumSpiced VanillaStar Gazer LilyStorm WatchStrawberries & ChampagneStrawberry Sugar CookieSummer NightsSunflowerSweet PeaSweetheartTommyTulipTwigs & BerriesVanilla BeanWarm Vanilla SugarWasselWatermelonWhite Tea & GingerWhite ZinfandelWild FlowerWisteriaYuletide
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