Need a place to play? Where you can enjoy nature viewing at its finest? This is a place where those weary of hectic schedules and jangling telephones can find peace, a place where life can be pondered from a different and unique perspective. Most of all, a place carefully designed and maintained for people -- for the mother and her baby out for a Sunday drive, for the father teaching his son how to fish, for the teenager who wants to get away for a bit, for the couple on a weekend camping trip, for the grandparents who just want to take it easy for a week.
Mountain waters flow out of the Ochoco Mountain Range, joining together to form the Crooked River. This river, confined by its canyon and the Bowman Dam, forms Prineville Reservoir.
The fishing can be good anytime at Prineville Reservoir. It supports rainbow & cutthroat trout, small & largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, and crayfish. The trout fishing experience is year-round, ice-fishing included in the dead of winter. Anywhere on the reservoir is suitable.
Bass, catfish, and crappie are more suited towards warmer water temperatures; May thru October. The upper reaches of the reservoir above Jasper Point and the Bear Creek tributary downstream from Prineville Reservoir State Park are known to produce fine fish. Fly fishing opportunities are best along the Crooked River above Prineville Reservoir and downstream from Bowman Dam.
For specific regulations, refer to the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations.
So grab your pole and head out to Prineville. A place where, as the golden sun sinks slowly over the ridge and the fiery lake catches the last color reflections of red and green canyon walls, the silent hush of the deeply dark night ushers in the glorious canopy of a million stars; where slumber is deep and peaceful.
Reservoir water level graph
2008 Star Party
(1.2mb; full park brochure and map; requires Acrobat)

(723k; just the campground map; requires Acrobat)
Vital stats 22 full hookup, 22 electrical, 23 tent (maximum site 54 feet); reservable boat moorage; 5 cabins (2 are rustic, 3 are deluxe). Open year round. Jasper Point offers 30 electric sites. Open May - Sept. 30. For information only, call (541)447-4363 or (800) 551-6949. To make reservations, call 1-800-452-5687.
Park rates (subject to rate changes; winter, emergency or other closures)
May 1 to September 30
Full rate: $22
Electrical hookup: $22
Tent site: $18
Rustic cabin: $38
Deluxe cabin: $71
Extra vehicle: $5
Boat moorage: $7
| | October 1 to April 30 (Discovery Season)
Full rate: $18
Electrical hookup: $18
Tent site: $13
Rustic cabin: $38
Deluxe cabin: $49
Extra vehicle: $5
Boat moorage: $7
Camping |
Accessible camping |
Tent |
Electric |
Full hookup |
Primitive |
Yurts, cabins, tepees OR wagons |
Showers |
Reservations |
Picnicking |
Wildlife watching |
Bird watching |
Terrestrial mammal watching |
Native plant |
Boating |
Boat ramp |
Boat slips |
Fishing |
Swimming |
Hiking trail |
Special events |
Nature programs |
Interpretive events |
Lake |
Desert |
Rock formations |
Mountains |
Interpretation |
Interpretive tours |
Evening programs |
ADA restroom |
Year-round |
Restrooms |
