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System Engineer - Java Sun Certified Programmer - java - C++ - C - Visual Basic - javascript - c - html - asp - web - cobol - java
I am a Computer Systems Engineer offering fast help with Java, C/C++, PHP, JSP, XML/XSLT, Perl, SQL, network administration, algorithms and more!
Our team offers expert services in Computing, Computer Science, Information Management, Information and Communications Technology, and Library and...
Expert services in programming with C/C++, java, VS.NET 2005, SQL server, mySQL. Providing well organized, easy to understand code
Fast Programming, tutoring & advice. 19 yrs experience programming; 7 yrs experience teaching. C++, C, Java, HTML, mySQL, PHP, Database, Web, more!
have taken many courses regarding operating systems.
Windows, Linux, Unix : C , C++ , OOP, DS, VB, Algorithms, Assembly , ASP , PHP , JSP , XML , HTML, DHTML
Skills (C, C++, MFC, API, Java, Java beans, applets, AWT, Swings, sockets, JDBC, JSP, Mozart Oz, prolog, clips, C under Linux, X window programming,...
Algorithms for problem solving, Mathematics,Computer Science – Operating Systems /Computer Architecture/Networks , Assembly/ C/C++/JAVA/J2EE/Web...
I can provide expert guidance for various Operating Systems like Windows, UNIX, etc.
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