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Fast reliable and affordable homework assistance. 24 hours a day availability with 1 minute turnaround response time.
b.tech,iit roorkee .freelance consultant of civil engg.maths,chemistry and physics are my passion.u can expect any solution.
Expert is a registered professional mathematician and an accomplished statistician .Let him open your eyes to the world of mathematics to improve...
Expert in Physical sciences with specialization in synthetic chemistry,expert help in maths, physics, biochemistry,proof reading
Quick and inexpensive aid. Can help with mathematics, Chem, Physics, programming (C, C++, Java, V.B. etc.) and Paper writing too.
Expert in math in all level.My expertise areas r CALCULUS,STATISTICS,, Algebra, Discretemath, Analysis, Optimization, Numbertheory, Complex, Geometry...
I am M.Sc.,M. Phil. I have qualified National Eligibility Test(All INDIA Level).I can solve all problems in calculus,algebra,geometry,set theory...
I have 6 years in experience in software engineering.I have experience in Software Design, C++ , C#, JAVA, C#, VB.Net, DATABASE.Communication online...
I can provide solution of any problem in mathematics,chemistry and physics either basic or rigorous.
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