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Travel Resources

Thank you for visiting the St Petersburg Global hotels travel resources page. This page lists the entire links to other sites which we thought you might find useful. If you are interested in exchanging links with this site, or any of our other sites please forward your link exchange details to: St

We do not exchange links with sites of an adult nature or sites advertising casinos, nor do we want to receive emails from such sites. We only exchange links with travel related sites which we deem to be of high quality and that may be of common interest to our visitors.

In an attempt to make our resources pages more useful for the visitor we have categorized them and limit the amount of links per page to a maximum of 50. In such cases the pages will appear like the following example:

- St Petersburg - St Petersburg 2 - St Petersburg 3 etc

We recommend these web sites:

General, Kenya, South Africa...

Bali, China, General, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, UAE, Vietnam...

Australia & New Zealand
Australia, New Zealand...

Central America
Costa Rica...

Austria, Belgium, Brussels, Budapest, Bulgaria, Car Rental, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, General, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hotels, Hungary, Ireland, Ireland 2, Italy, Italy 2, Lanzarote, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK...

Adventure Travel, Airlines, Airports, Car Rental, Ferries, General, Hotels, Rentals...

North America
California, Canada, Car Rental, Florida, General, Georgia, Hawaii, Hotels, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico, Nevada, New York, Niagara Falls, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington...

South America

In very rare cases, we may not be able to provide a link to your web site or may be required to remove a link to your web site. These cases arise where your site has been penalized by the major search engines (Google, FAST Search, Alltheweb, Inktomi and Altavista in particular). A resource which has been added may in the future be deemed no longer suitable by us. Sites of an adult or offensive nature are not welcome. By linking to penalized sites, the ranking of our own site also goes down, leading to lower traffic levels. We reserve the right to remove a link to a website that is believed to be penalized by one or more search engines. The determination of whether or not a web site has been penalized is in our sole discretion.

St Petersburg Global Hotels also reserve the right to alter our resources pages in any way, including file names, and the location of your link. For your benefit, we have limited all pages to 50 links. If you cannot find your site listed, look closely incase it has been moved. If you cannot find your resource please email an enquiry and we will attend to it in due course.

For a sample of other sites under the Global Hotels 24 7 umbrella see below:

Sacramento Hotels - Hotels in Sacramento
Welcome to Sacramento Hotels. We Offer quality hotels in Sacramento
San Diego Hotels - Hotels in San Diego
Welcome to San Diego Hotels. We Offer quality hotels in San Diego
San Francisco Hotels - Hotels in San Francisco
Welcome to San Francisco Hotels. We Offer quality hotels in San Francisco
Seattle Hotels - Hotels in Seattle
Welcome to Seattle Hotels. We Offer quality hotels in Seattle
Seville Hotels - Hotels in Seville
Welcome to Seville Hotels. We Offer quality hotels in Seville


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