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Expert Sign Up

LivePerson is a unique service that matches people who have questions to the people who are qualified to answer them.

As a registered Expert on LivePerson, you will be listed according to your professional expertise and will be available for hire by any LivePerson client. You receive all the tools necessary to communicate with clients and colleagues — free!

Already have an account? Please sign in.

Please enter the following information.
Your information will be kept completely confidential.

Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk(*).
* Email address:
Your email address is how you will sign-in to LivePerson. Use your real email address so that we can send you your account details.

* Choose password:
Password must be at least 6 characters long and should consist of a combination of letters, digits and special characters(e.g. abs01gt, bluesky_34, etc.)

* Re-type password:
* First name:
* Last name:
Street address:

Zip code:
* Country:
State/Province is mandatory for the US , Canada, Australia and India.
* State/Province:
Daytime phone:
Alternative email:
This Email will be used to contact you in case we cannot reach you at your primary Email.

Date of birth:
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*I have read and agree to all LivePerson's Expert Terms and Conditions and Member Terms and Conditions
If you have problems signing up, please contact us.