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We are now in the 21st century and living in a fast moving world with many advances all around us. Globalization has been embraced by many yet rejected by few. Communication and transportation is at the heart of globalization. If a century ago while using a horse-drawn carriage and the telegraph, the concept of globalization would have been nothing more than a futuristic idealist dream, now with communication and transportation and all time economy layered structure, globalization is a part of our lives, whether we like it, partake or encourage it or not. Globalization has too long of a list of benefits to even begin explaining, there are some that think or consider globalization as infringing their culture and society, but the fact remains you either join it or get run over by it and left behind.
Cultures and societies have revolutionized side by side mingling at their trivial differences yet never changing in their core principals. Tradition being the principal base of most cultures where change is considered treason and development is approached cautiously. Society on the other hand looks beyond traditional means and is bold enough to explore the boundaries of change and evolution knowing that without change any society or even culture would eventually become extinct within it’s own guide lines. Now that the age of the Internet has reached the lower parts of developing countries, where many traditional and regional cultures survive, many of the next generation through the internet now see beyond their borders and restrictive ideals and automatically compare themselves with the 21st century around them which is outside of their limited reach. HotvsNot helps you find a wide range of information on any related topic that you need to know. With globalization connecting all corners of our planet here is the best place to access a broad variety of areas including religion, shopping, communication, news, politics, traveling, online stores and many more.
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