Accommodations Around The World is a worldwide listing of bed and breakfasts, hotels, villas, resorts, cottages, lodges, apartments, RV campgrounds, motels and youth hostels. Our database searches allow you to find the ideal accommodation, whether you are looking by location, or accommodation name.
Bed and Breakfast or hotel guests can visit our
Travel Corner for valuable travel information

We also have additional information to enhance your travel experience. Visit our "Travel Corner" for world weather, currency exchange rates or entertainment around the world. Whether you are looking for a bed and breakfast, hotel, villa, resort, cottage, lodge, apartment, motel or youth hostel we are your number one travel site. We also have tips on starting a B & B and has a directory of bed and breakfasts, hotels, villas, resorts, cottages, lodges, apartments, motels and youth hostels for sale.
Bed & Breakfast and Hotel owners can choose from
either Gold, Silver or a free bronze listing

Accommodations Around The World has three different membership levels. Every owner of a bed and breakfast, hotel, villa, resort, cottage, lodge, apartment or youth hostel receives a free bronze listing! It's easy, just complete the online form here. If you would like more information for the traveler in your ad you can purchase a silver or gold listing. Silver and Gold listings include color photographs and detailed accommodation descriptions.
If you are looking to purchase a Bed and Breakfast or
Hotel please look in our For Sale section

Aspiring bed and breakfast, hotel, villa, resort, cottage, lodge or apartment entrepreneurs can browse the bed and breakfasts listed for sale in our for Sale section. Our Starting a B&B section of the website also contains marketing information essential for operating a successful bed and breakfast, hotel, villa, resort, cottage, lodge, apartment, motel or youth hostel.