The Wayback Machine -

miercuri, 14 martie 2012

I'm sorry for what mistakes i made in the past.

I'm sorry..
I'm sorry for what mistakes i've made in the past.
I'm sorry because i did not had courage to say to you face in face * i'm sorry *
But now,i've changed and i do not make another mistakes.
I'm sorry & Thank you because you forgive me.

sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012


I trust you,i trust us,nobody can take your place from my heart!
Just us we are in my heart and nobody else, i swear.
I promise you more thing...and really i want to do everything i say,and i'll do.
Nobody can stop me,just you...just if you leave me...if you leave me i'll not make all those promises witch i said.
I trust you when you said you love me and you never leave me.
You have to trust me too,i'll never leave you!
Honest,if one girl will be come to me and she is someone rich..really i don't care,why?Because nobody will show me her love like you do...and nobody will be care about me like you do,nobody will be like you,i don't wanna lose you!
If i lose you i swear on everything i do i'll run away from home.[and i think you now why i want to do this thing,if you don't know i'll tell you I love you a lot!].
Honestly i don't know what happened yesterday,when you said me[i rush]you don't told me you love me..and you don't kiss me...i think you saw someone.But is ok.
I want both to be happy together.
I love you raluca and Happy Birthday ! I'll LOVE YOU FOREVER <3 Raluca !

miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Promise me...

If i go promise me... :

Promise me you'll waiting for me and still love me like the first time.
Promise me you'll never forget me and don't leave me for someone else.
Promise me you'll remember me and you never let's me go.
I need to know more things if i'll come back or not,if your promises it's not true better i don't come back at you,and i'll stay there forever with you in my mind and in my heart always with thought at you and i will always love you dosn't matter if you don't love me,i'll still love you forever because...i never love so much one're the first girl who i love so much and you'll still always my little girl,love.
If i come back...and you don't love me anymore i'm not there for you..i'll be there for me not for you not for someone else...
And yes,i still love you but i can't be together with you again because you refuse me.
But i want to you still love me and to promise me you'll waiting me.

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

I miss...

I miss...

-I miss your kisses
-I miss your kiss on my cheek
-I miss your kisses on my lips
-I miss your voice when whispering me you love me
-I miss your hugs
-I miss you glasses
-I miss your touch
-I miss how you hold my hand
-I miss the first time when you told me you love me
-I miss our second kiss.[because first our kiss was when i was drunk :"3,and i'm really sorry for that :c .]
-I miss our first hug[i've told you * you don't forgot something? * and then you come at me and you hug me,and was a short hug,and i don't know sure...but i've told you something like * was a short hug...i wanted a long hug * and then you've told me  * next time * and next time you have given me a long hug<3]
-I miss your eyes[when we look on each other's eyes and we suddenly start laughing]
-I miss your smile
-I miss your lips
-I miss your body
-I miss your company
-I miss your face
-I miss those days when I touched your face and i kiss you
-I miss the days when we sit in scale and we think at each other
-I miss when you told me to don't do something wrong,something what can hurt me
-I miss when you hold me in your arms
-I miss you when you're away from me
-I miss you when you cannot come outside with me
-I miss your face when i see you crying
-I miss your words
-I miss you
    I TRULY MISS YOU <3 !!!

marți, 20 septembrie 2011


If you know when you die,you don't know what to do...if tomorrow you die you feel like hell...cry,scream,you go at your boyfriend or girlfriend,you tell her: sweetie...i wanna to tell you something...but please don't cry...this is my last day alive,i'm sorry for everything i love you a lot and i don't want to lose you...please promise me you'll never forget me...girl promised him.
But she cry and she don't know what to do,she promised him: i never forget you i love you to much to forget you i will never love another boy how much i love you, you're everything for me...
Boy tell her...thank you i love you...and i'm sorry for all time when we don't meet and if i make you sad or something else i'm really sorry please forgive me, i don't wanna die i want to stay with you all rest of my life i'm sorry!...
Girl: plase stop cry i'm here with you and i will be always with you in your heart and you're with me in my heart always i love you,i forgive you and i know you want to stay with me all your life,me too i want to stay with you all my life if i have ten life i want to stay with you because i love you too much...nobody know how much i love you just me and you my love,anything what happens i will be with you in your heart don't forget that i love you ! <3
Boy: ohh...i know my love but...i can't touch you i can't kiss,hug you...i can't do more things if i'm dead...
Girl: I promise you that if you die and i can not get over it i kill myself..and i don't care what you say now i love you too much to stay away from you!
Boy: ...i love you too my baby <3.

After that night boy has died and girl could not get over...and she kill herself...

Don't ask me about that !

Hi everyone,it's me Edward...
Now two last day i saw not a dream,it's something almost real.
I was outside,and i sit down,and then i'm thinking..i forget at what...
After that i enter in i don't know what...but it was like a dream...but i was awake.
That " dream " - " vision " ...was like that.

I was in the bathroom to wash my face,and there was very more steam idk why , i look in mirror,first time i see something black,two time i saw something more black, and the third time i saw me with black eyes , high, and i was stuck...i can't move i can't say something or to do something to run away or something else...
and i entered in my body,after that i wake up , and my pulse is very high and my heart beat very very fast and strong...after this all i'm feel changed...and idk why...
That's all.

It's true..

miercuri, 31 august 2011

Now i cannot understand why

God! Why ?
I can't believe that! I'm not together with bulina but..i love her.
Fuck! I love you,i love you a lot bulina...i can't forget you because i love you,i'm sorry and i know you can't hear that....but when we go out i will tell you and i will tell you i love you and i'm sorry for everything.
All my memories have remaining and all my're my obsession...maybe you think i'm crazy,but i'm not...i love you a lot,i don't have words to tell you how much i love still love you..i'm impressed :3...i tried to be with another girl but can not...are two reasons
1- she don't want
2- i still love you

i'm sorry again.