Where are EarthLink's available ad placements?
EarthLink offers ad placements on our websites, portals, newsletters, and through other media. For a full list of EarthLink advertising placements, download the EarthLink Advertising Media Kit.
How do I get placement on the EarthLink shopping site?
EarthLink recently launched the brand new EarthLink Shopping Network. On this commerce-filled site, you can find featured merchant placements, text links, and rich media units. Contact us at elnadvertise@corp.earthlink.net for more information.
What type of keyword or search page placements do you offer?
We offer many targeted keyword ad placements on our search page. Please send an email to elnadvertise@corp.earthlink.net for more information.
What is a banner ad?
A banner ad is an advertisement on the Web that links directly to an advertiser's website or a landing page. ( Therefore, if you want to place a banner ad on an EarthLink website, you must also have a website of your own that you'd like to link to.) Banners are currently the most common type of Web advertising, and they come in a wide variety of sizes. EarthLink accepts most of the IAB standard-size banners. Please contact us for a current spec sheet. ( For more advertising terms, refer to the EarthLink Online Advertising Glossary.)
Does EarthLink offer advertisers the option of paying for ads on a CPC basis?
Yes. Although the vast majority of ads on an EarthLink website are CPM, EarthLink occasionally accepts some limited CPC placements. To find out whether your ad might qualify for a CPC contract, please contact us at elnadvertise@corp.earthlink.net.
EarthLink banner ad deals are almost all sold on a CPM basis. How can I learn more about CPM?
Almost all EarthLink banner ad deals are sold on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis. That means you would pay EarthLink a standard fee for every thousand times the ad is called up by Web visitors' Web browsers. The reason this makes sense is that visitors often learn about your site from the branding (or company name and image recognition) an ad banner provides, whether or not they click on it at the time. For this and other definitions, please see the EarthLink Online Advertising Glossary.
Does EarthLink have an advertising campaign cost minimum?
There's no standard minimum cost for an EarthLink ad campaign. However, we will gladly recommend a program that we believe will be effective for your campaign, allowing you to calculate costs accordingly. We generally believe an effective ad campaign on the EarthLink Personal Start PageSM should receive at least 3 million impressions. Contact us at elnadvertise@corp.earthlink.net for more information.
Does EarthLink recommend people who could produce my ad banners and rich media?
Although most advertisers bring in their own material, we'd be glad to work with you on developing your online advertising. Through outside partnerships and in-house resources, we do have the ability to assist with online advertising creative and rich media units. Please contact elnadvertise@corp.earthlink.net for more information.
What is rich media?
Rich media is a term for advanced technology used in Internet ads, such as streaming video, special effects, and applets that allow user interaction.
Does EarthLink have any exclusions on particular content?
EarthLink does not permit certain types of ads and ads promoting certain types of content, including pornography, adult material, alcohol, weapons, violence, gambling or illegal activity, on its Web properties. In addition, EarthLink reserves the right to decline to display or to remove any ad that it considers unlawful, offensive or harmful. We also will not display ads promoting products or services that compete with EarthLink's own products and services including telecommunications, Internet access, Web hosting, email and domain name services.