The Wayback Machine -

National or regional retailers with active and established distribution channels can partner with EarthLink to promote Internet services to their customers and employee groups. By maximizing brand awareness and communication with EarthLink subscribers, you can increase your company's exposure and sales. Distribution partners can also receive bonuses for successful new-subscriber acquisitions.

To learn more about becoming an EarthLink Retail Partner, complete the form below and an EarthLink manager will contact you soon.

Enter You Information:
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
*First Name

*Last Name

*Business Name
*Type of Business
*Number of Employees
*Annual Sales






*Daytime Phone Number

Fax Number

*Email Address

Enter Your Company Information:
What are your interests in partnering with EarthLink?

How many stores/retail outlets do you have?

Do you distribute any of the following?
Consumer Electronics
Computers (PC)
Computers (Mac)
Software CD-ROM
A/V Products
Digital Products (i.e. MP3, cameras)

What is your ultimate goal in contacting EarthLink Retail?

We're verifying the EarthLink high speed services available in your area. This will only take a few more moments.


Need help with your existing service?
Live support chat
Open 24/7

Not an EarthLink customer yet?
Open 8am-1am ET

We know your time is valuable. Select the type of help you need, then provide us with some basic information including your contact phone number. We'll call you back!

Questions about new service?
Live sales agent

Need help with your existing service?
Live support agent
