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Oahu, Hawaii Deep Sea Fishing Charters - Haleiwa - North Shore

Charter Fishing Hawaii

Your Hawaii fishing charter starts with an early morning boarding. We prefer you board the charter fishing boat at 4 AM. The 1st mate, Scot will help you stow your gear. Captain Rusty will explain fishing boat operation and safety precautions. We like to depart the harbor before daylight, our motto -- the early fisherman catches the fish.

The fishing starts just outside the harbor. A trolling menu is selected and five lines are set. We generally proceed to one of the buoys. The trip will take 1 to 2 hours. It is not infrequent for hungry fish to interrupt the journey.

Pelagic game fish, such as Blue Marlin, Wahoo (ono), Dolphin Fish (mahi-mahi) Yellowfin Tuna (Ahi) and Skipjack Tuna (Aku) tend to prefer areas where the water is deeper. They will range from the surface to about 100 fathoms.
   The rule of thumb is the deeper the water the bigger the fish. Yet monster fish have been caught just out side the harbor, so it is just a rule of thumb.

Hawaii "deep sea fishing" centers around floaters and Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs). "Floaters" is the term fishermen call flotsam. They act as nurseries for many pelagic species. Where there is food you will find big predators. FADs act as virtual floaters creating this food chain.

Jun 14, 2003. Steve Mapua battles and lands a 165 lbs Yellowfin Tuna. These fish are all muscle. Click to enlarge  Jun 14, 2003 Steve Mapua battles and lands a 165 lbs Yellowfin Tuna. These fish are all muscle.

Deep Sea Fishing Hawaii

Our goal is to be the first to make a pass at the Fish Aggregation Devices (FAD). The State of Hawaii has placed FADs in the waters surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands. These buoys attract schools of tuna and other important pelagic fishes, such as dolphinfish (Mahimahi), wahoo (Ono), and billfish.

Unlike, the Honolulu side where the nearest FAD is 16.7 miles. We have 3 buoys to chose from. Being on the windward side has the added benefit of floaters blown our way by the winds. Floaters attract fish. This is where the concept of FADs orginated. Finally, game fish seem to like the rougher water.

Pelagic fishes tend to aggregate to floating objects. Researchers have found that anchoring a buoy or platform in the open ocean will also attract and hold pelagic fishes.

   FADs act as reference points for tuna, billfish and mahi-mahi. They move towards them during the day. Juvenile tuna are known to hang aroung them for as long as 3 months.

21° 32.3' N 158° 18.8' W - 309 fathoms 21° 33.7' N 158° 26.8' W - 1010 fathoms 21° 44.8' N 158° 13.3' W - 985 fathoms 21° 50' N 158° 08.8' W - 960 fathoms 21° 51.8' N 157° 59.6' W - 945 fathoms 21° 44.9' N 157° 45.3' W - 1140 fathoms 21° 34.9' N 157° 41.5' W - 554 fathoms 21° 36.4' N 157° 31.2' W - 1355 fathoms - Missing 21° 27.5' N 157° 33.6' W - 365 fathoms 20° 46.4' N 157° 48.7' W - 286 fathoms 21° 02.1' N 158° 02.1' W - 647 fathoms 21° 09.0' N 158° 09.1' W - 850 fathoms 21° 23.8' N 158° 14.8' W - 460 fathoms 21° 27.5' N 158° 16.9' W - 460 fathoms Point to a buoy for details Oahu, Hawaii Fish Aggregation Device Bouy Map (FAD)
Oahu, Hawaii Fish Aggregation Device Buoy Map

Marlin Fishing Hawaii

Deb Townsend, Scot, Mike Corell, Wendy Stevens, and Capt Rusty with a 669 Blue Marlin and 3 of our 6 mahi on one hell of a good day. Mar 28, 2003  Mike Corell lands a 669 lbs. Blue Marlin with Scot Spencer at leader and Capt. Rusty at gaff. Also shown are the 3 of the 6 mahimahi caught on one heck of a good day.
(l-r) Mike Corell, Deb Townsend and Wendy Stevens. More...

   At the buoys, we break out light tackle, 50-lb test, and jig for Skipjack Tuna (Aku) and Yellowfin Tuna (Ahi).

The small lively Aku are bridled up for live bait fishing on the outriggers, for any hungry marlin lurking in the area looking for an easy breakfast. Blue Marlin feast on tuna and we are happy to oblige.

We continue to jig for Aku, Ahi and Dolphin Fish (Mahi-mahi) or cut some Aku for chum and bait on the light tackle, hoping nothing too big grabs the bait and breaks the line. We prefer the big ones take the bait on the outriggers.

When everyone is tired of reeling or the bite is slow, the captain may decide to go hunting for open schools of fish. They are located by looking for excited birds congregated in one spot or finding floating debris that harbor smaller fish that attract the larger game fish.

The tuna tower gives the deckhand a better view to spot these potential opportunities. The fishing does not stop on the return trip, as you never know when fish may be attracted to the lures.

Hawaii Fishing News

Back in the harbor, it is time to unload the day's catch and take the final pictures. Depending on the day's catch the captain will filet enough fish for everyone to have a couple of fish dinners.

We will post your pictures on the web as part of our charter fishing report. Many fishing websites, link to these pages as part of their Hawaii fishing news reports. Your report will have a link that you can email to your friends and family.

Any fish can be mounted. Ask Captain Rusty for information.
<B>Wed Aug 6, 2003</B>, Jeff Thornthon's kids, (l-r) Andrew, Barrett and Mack had fun catching bait for his 156 pound blue marlin Wed Aug 6, 2003, Jeff Thornthon's kids, (l-r) Andrew, Barrett and Mack had fun catching bait for his 156 pound blue marlin

Divider - Hawaiian big game sport fishing - Hawaii fishing, Oahu fishing, striped marlin fishing, black marlin fishing, blue marlin fishing, wahoo fishing, ono fishing, ahi fishing, yellow fin tuna fishing, yellowfin tuna fishing, aku fishing, skipjack tuna fishing, skip jack tuna fishing, mahi-mahi fishing, dorado fishing, dolphin fish fishing - Hale'iwa, Haleiwa, Hawaii, Hawai'i, Oahu, sportfishing, charter fishing boat

Reservations | Mailing List | Add URL
  66-195 Kaamooloa Road
Waialua, Hawaii 96791   (808) 637-5783

All bait and tackle provided
No license required            
Up to six anglers                
Go to top for Oahu, Hawaiian Fisherman's paradise - Hawaiian big game sport fishing - Hawaii fishing, Oahu fishing, striped marlin fishing, black marlin fishing, blue marlin fishing, wahoo fishing, ono fishing, ahi fishing, yellow fin tuna fishing, yellowfin tuna fishing, aku fishing, skipjack tuna fishing, skip jack tuna fishing, mahi-mahi fishing, dorado fishing, dolphin fish fishing - Hale'iwa, Haleiwa, Hawaii, Hawai'i, Oahu, sportfishing, charter fishing boat