The Wayback Machine -
Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:42:00 AM

~*Back After So Long*~

Happened to read my blog in the office today & laughed at my old entries, haha!
Decided to 'relive' my blog on the polling day, which is also my first experience in Singapore General Elections. I heard this is the first time where there are many opposition parties involved, and the rallies have been very interesting.
I shall blog about my experience tomorrow after I have gone through it~~

For now, I just want to go to bed~~~


Saturday, July 17, 2010 3:07:00 PM

I was so bored in office yesterday .. so many people were not around and the office was dead quiet. My eyes were so tired from staring at the screen & my butt was so aching from sitting there all day!

I told kun i wanted to watch [Despicable Me] & asked him to make the bookings for the tix ... then was thinking whether I should watch [Inception] instead. When Xz told me that QQ doesn't want to watch [Despicable Me] with her, I thought maybe I should watch [Inception] with kun & watch [Despicable Me] with Xz on Sunday.

In the end, I made the bookings for [Inception] at 12.10am & Kun called me later saying that he booked [Despicable Me] at 7.15pm~ Lol~~ I tried calling him and sms him when I wanted to make the bookings but cos' his hp batt flat and he only got to know about it when he charged his hp, and I thought he did not make any bookings yet. So it's an unpredicted miscommunication. So, we ended up having movie marathon.. it was quite tiring when I watch [Inception] but both shows were nice! The small yellow tiny creatures and the little girl in [Despicable Me] were sooo adorable! Haha..~ [Inception] was a cool show.. a little hard for me to understand at first..

Went to Night Museum at National Museum. It was quite crowded and I was a bit pekcek la... I duno why and all the photos I took not nice one~ Am going again tonight with Erma haha..cos she also want to go and I am meeting her to have dinner and catch up.


~*Swollen Toes*~
Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:49:00 PM

I am a clumsy girl recently. I almost fell down a few times and knocked into things last week. Yesterday I kicked into my desk & the teenie toe on my left foot swelled and turned a little purple. Guess what? I kicked into the stand of the fan today on the teenie toe on my RIGHT FOOT & it also swelled and turned purple. I am in PAIN! And I canot walk properly.. I feel so crippled & dumb~! @_@

Anyways, it has been MONTHS since my last entry. It's the World Cup Season & many people are not having sufficient sleep. I am always interested in soccer only during World Cup because all the finest players are gathered together. The matches seem to be more exciting too.
I supported Portugal & Brazil but both are alrdy out at this stage...sad :(
The final game will be on Thursday morning 2.30am .. I guess I'm gonna be zombified at work again.

Many things have happened since my last entry. I have learnt that many people can backstab you in the office, whether you predicted it or not. They may always seem very friendly towards you, but when at work, some ppl simply forgot about those "friendly" moments and just draw a very obvious line and become another person. I know compeition is tough in such a big department, especially when everyone is new and have equal chances and alot of room to grow. There are also many politics going on.. and I understand being nice to everyone brings unwanted trouble and unhappiness to myself. Too bad I am always smiley at work...and easily chats with anyone who are willing to do so. I guess I should make some changes myself and impart some of my "home" characteristics into my "work" personality. Rooaarrr! lol~
I am lucky I still have a bunch of good friends in the office. I hope whatever happens in future we can still be good friends and hang out together.

I received my first semester's exam results! 1 A and 1 B..not bad alrdy. The new sem is going to start this month...I am soooo bloody broke after paying the school fees! Really ultra broke, can't wait for the pay to credit into my bank account. I still need to pay alot of debts after that. Sob~ :(

Xiaozhu is coming to town again this weekend! I can't wait! but I am going to buy stuff again...I am ultra ultra broke~~!!! I duno if I can survive! I guess gonna ask baby to lend me money again :( Soooo sorry baby... !
Am going to be at Scape at 5am on saturday... Gonna be zombified again~~ Lol~~ Terrible!
Fan club is scary sometimes but it is fun when you do crazy things together & you will be easily influenced. I have to be happy and enjoy while I stil can right? HEee~

Sabby's on extended MC week after week for almost a month alrdy. I guess she is getting ready to give birth anytime. It feels scary to me though but she feels nervous and can't wait to get it over with. Haha! I hope everything will go smoothly for her. Do not know if she will come back to work after labour, but if she does, hope that she will be responsible and do her work with diligence.

So long never meet my old friends alrdy.... Eve told me must meet up some day...and since many of us are working in Tanjong Pagar, I thought we should have a dinner someday and go home together but I have yet to plan. And why issit that when I dun plan, nobody else does? This is tiring...
Erma also text me to meet up on 17 we are going for dinner and movie and to catch up! Also have to meet hui cos she wants to pass me my bday present. Hmm i wonder how she celebrated her bday...and I have yet to get her a gift! agghhh! Jialat jialat..
So so so broke also... and no time... I guess I have to really cut down on entertainment. but when school starts, I will definitely cut down for sure~!

This week is my duty to distribute cases....tomorrow also got morning phone duty....ciaoz..


Monday, April 05, 2010 12:02:00 AM

It's April 2010 already...time passes real quick~~~ and tomorrow is monday again.
It was a short week last week but I was quite shag & tired over the long weekend.
Met Niko & Anna at Bugis on thurs night ..Went back with Niko to bring her bottle of Chivas to drink over at my house. We had fun and had some heart-to-heart talk as well before we fell aslp without knowing how..lolx~

I had to go Great World City to watch "Clash of the Titans" at 1.40pm, but I only managed to wake up at 12pm on Friday. I rushed to shower and took a cab down, while Niko went to play mahjong with Jingyun. The bumpy ride and the 3D effect made me really sick!!!! I puked a little before the show started and puked much more after the show ended. I was enduring throughout the show because I didn't wanna miss a single part. I was still having terrible....went home by cab again and ate some fish soup noodle before I slept again from 6pm to 11pm haha..! Then abt 1 something I slept again.

Sat woke up abt 9am and had to go for my roadshow at Suntect Convention Hall at 3.30pm. WAs damn busy and the crowd kept coming nonstop..I explained until I almost lose my voice. I was sooo shag and headache when I went for my dinner. The roadshow ended at 9pm and I shared cab home with Grace before preparing again to go Butterfactory for Justin's bday celebration! Sooo tiring~~

Had alot of fun there and all his friends were very friendly. They introduced themselves one by one but I cannot remember their names. Justin drank 5 glasses of flaming lambourgini~!! so terrible and he still survived! He go and tell his gf and friends that I can drink lor..then they got ask me to drink abt 3 glasses. It has been a long time since I danced so long at the dancefloor~ I didnt even feel that my heels were killing me! lolx!
I felt like I was exercising man and the next day i woke up..I felt I had some abs hahahahahaha! I know i am dreaming... :(

Ok...I have finally managed to blog after such a long time! Haha..
Hope everyone had fun!


~*Busy Days & OT*~
Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:43:00 PM

I have been working OT for days consecutively since the policies were issued and even before issuance! We didn't expect so many cancellation cases to come in & we are now flooded with work everyday. Although there are 2 new temps to help us from today, I don't even have time to "take care" of them & I have been assigned to oversee the temp! Omg~

Luckily there was only ONE phone call from the CSO when I was on afternoon phone duty today. The stupid Carol! She was supposed to be on duty with me this afternoon, and while I was rushing to gobble up my food she even told me to eat slowly and any phone calls she will help me to answer too. I didn't even know she went OFF after 2.30pm! WTH! And she didn't even update the staff movement chart! I heard there are conflicts within their team as well and it's giving Wilson headache too. Poor Wilson~

Hmm.. I'm thinking whether to rebond my hair for CNY again. Sometimes I really like my curly hair..but too bad my fringe can never come down when I have curly hair..haha..and curly hair makes my hair more volume too, which is a good thing la. However, many GUYS still prefer me in straight hair and Jessica said I look damn demure and gentle with straight hair. No wonder guys prefer bf always vote for straight hair. Hmm.. I shall see how is my hair condition when it's nearer to the new year.
Majority of the girls prefer me in curly hair though..

Am going to KTV with kun after work tomorrow. It has been quite some time since the 2 of us went to enjoy in KTV. I don't know what time I will OT til' sad..and sabby will have to leave at 6 sharp due to her final gown fitting at 7pm.

Fri might be going for steamboat with my colleagues! yeah~ haha..but too bad sabby canot go la..
It was so tough organizing this steamboat cos everyone has different knock off times..and OT.
This friday hope really can make it lor!

This fri is also Jerris' bday. I don't really know her to know her through my sister cos she is one of my sister's wedding "sisters" haha. I think they might be going to pub again..dunno whether I will go.

I am getting fatter and fatter! My target to hit 46kg before CNY is sooooo shattered lor! My god~..haiz...

Hmmm..I must enjoy my days before my part-time studies start on 25th! Jiayou~~~~


~*Happy 2010*~
Friday, January 01, 2010 9:38:00 PM

I recieved alot alot of New year greetings via sms which I didn't expect, but I am too lazy to reply all of them..

It's January again and the festive seasons are gonna be over soon. I'm gonna be busy very soon with all the office operations kicking in real fast and my studies starting on 25th. It is a bit scary but I believe I can pull through everything no matter how tough it is. There will be less holidays for me I guess. Studying alone with no companion it also another sad thing leh..haiz..but I hope I can get to know good study companion there.

Went to party last night and the plan was to be partying at Lebar but there were some "issues" with one of the waitress there, so we decided to party at Birdie Putt, which is just within 2 minutes walking distance from Lebar
There were party sprays all over and everything's in a mess! I was so feddup when Elizabeth went crazy and kept spraying all over my hair and everything got tangled in my curly hair! I shouted "STOP! WHAT THE FUCK!" hahaa....cannot tahan. I wasn't really that pissed but just wanted her to stop it.

It was also cherleen's bday party at Lebar but didn't really get to talk or play with her. Even the photos weren't very nice la..but she like ran away after taking the photos haha cannot really catch her. She also poor thing la, had to drink waterfall two times. So scary when I see the flameS! eeeww..i have never drunk such liqor..and i dun fancy that too. I will make sure I dun call Elizabeth when I have my bday party.

Aggh..I'm going to work later at 3am! I wanted to go out somewhere..then go work straightaway...but noone and nowhere to go! help~ I also hope the job run will not be delayed ...I have dental appt tomorrow afternoon too.. Cannot wait for the appt!
Then I'm gonna meet xz after that.



~*Steamboat & Christmas Carol*~
Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:03:00 AM

I went to tighten my braces this afternoon. It was my first time but the dentist didn't really tighten. Instead he just changed part of the top wire to a thicker metail coil so as to push my teeth further apart for those that are behind to have space to come out later on.
He did not even do anything to my bottom row of teeth~~ and there goes my another $150 sobzz..

I wanted my next appointment to be on 18 Dec 2009, but they asked me to go back only in Jan! So long right??? I gotta have this thick metal coil in my mouth for sooo long and I wonder if I can still sing during my sister's wedding. This thing is giving me difficulty to close my mouth completely and when I smile, it keeps protruding out!
Then I rushed down to fareast for my hair appointment with May at 4.30pm. I did treatment, touch up colour at the hair roots and trimmed. May is really good lor, just some trimming from her and she blow my hair and it turned out to be sooo different and so much nicer! I really cannot use any other hairdresser!! And this is so expensive :(
I still gotta go back to do acidic color next week before my sis wedding lor. Although you guys must be thinking it's a waste of money, but it is indeed v v nice and shiny after that and it serves as a kind of treatment too. I love my hair now but too bad it's just temporary~~ it will be back to normal once i wash my hair on monday sad~~ :(

After my hair appt, I went to bugis to meet my colleagues for steamboat at 鲜得来! yummy! Was so hungry when I reached. After that we went to watch movie - "Christmas Carol - 3D" @ Lido. It was the first time I watched 3D movie in cinema & that movie was one that I wanted to watch badly BUT I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED! It wasn't as nice as I thought and it was kinda boring also. Sabby and her bf even fell aslp at some parts la & I cannot understand also cos of the accent and the old english they use. I am so sorry la..intro wrong movie..haa

But it was still quite a good experience cos the effect as nice..haha like really myself flying and the things appear so near to me and so real. We looked quite funny in the 3D Specs
After the movie, we just went home. Although I didnt' feel like going home cos it's a sat night, but sabby needs to rest and yf worked whole day today and boon gotta go roadshow tomorrow morning at punggol la. Another time then..anyway, next week will be a crazy weekend again.


Yours truly


DOB: 18061985


♥♥ Get OVER braces
♥♥ Tattoo
♥♥ NIKE limited edition shoes
♥♥ Pay increment & bonus





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