The Wayback Machine -


Although supercomputers have been around since Seymour Cray and the Control Data Corporation introduced the first one in the 1960s, today they are typically custom designs produced and used by large companies like Dell and Hewlett-Packard to develop new processors that can then be scaled down to computers for mass public consumption. Supercomputing may sound huge and fancy but it mainly is simply computer clusters that are interconnected and use commodity processors. These massive units help with weather forecasts, climate research, molecular modeling, nuclear weapon simulation and quantum physics – all tasks that simply could not be done on a mass produced PC or Macintosh computer. Supercomputing is extremely important for the aforementioned reasons as well as for figuring out the best way to create computers that function best for personal and business use. Obviously a regular everyday person would not be equipped with the ability, knowledge or wherewithal to use a supercomputer. For that reason alone, smaller microprocessor is made that can still handle our every day computing needs. In our directory on supercomputing we will deliver information on the history of supercomputing and where supercomputers are currently used throughout the world. You will also find links on how supercomputers are made and what the future holds for supercomputing. Our directory even includes resources on the internal workings of supercomputers and how they drastically differ from the inside of your personal laptop or desktop computer at home.

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