We take for granted the awesome graphics seen every day on our favorite television shows and websites. These graphics, created by computers, would not have been possible even ten years ago. The advancements in computer graphics on a year-to-year basis are mind-blowing and have a profound impact in video games, movies, animation and television commercials. Without these advancements and developments that allow computers to understand and interpret data easier than ever before we would not be using the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 or watching Pixar movies like Up. Heck, we wouldn’t even have the talking E*Trade babies or those fancy graphics during games on ESPN. The term computer graphics is used in a broad sense to describe most everything on computers that is not text or sound based. Graphics on a computer can refer to creating and manipulating images, video or other visual content and how it is presented. Experts in computer graphics are paid very well in the 21st Century and are always in high demand for their ability to create and develop in 2D, 3D, 5D and animated graphics. Our directory on computer graphics will cover the inception of the industry and how it has grown to what is currently is today. We will also offer up links to information on the different forms of computer graphics and why each is so vital to businesses and the media. Our directory is even filled with information on how to get started on the career path of graphic design and what you can expect once you have your first design job.
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