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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20231124193910/https://pakistan-maritime-shipping.blogspot.com/2005/08/are-you-interested-in-maintaining.html

Pakistan Merchant Shipping - Maritime Business and Employment.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Are YOU Interested in maintaining pakistaniMARITIME.Com Web Site ?

It has been quite long that I started investing time in this web site. I, being a simple sailor, have no expertise so far as the web designing is concerned, and hence this simple web site - however in the process of handling these pages I have at-least gained the basics.

The target is however the USEFULNESS, and not the flowery appearance.

The motive behind this time consuming hobby is to provide useful information to the Pakistani seafarers working in merchant navy and international merchant shipping and to guide the ones who are interested in joining the same as a career.

In short, it was expected to be a place on the web where any one interested in merchant navy and the sea could find something useful and of interest - free of charge.

I would welcome your opinion in improving sections of interest to you. May I request your opinion on following points to improve the utility of this obsession!!! :

  • Did you find this web site of any use for the above mentioned purpose?
  • Sections within this web site that you consider should be emphasized and improved including your opinion and guidelines.
  • Sections that you consider may be removed or replaced by an amended subject.

My present employment, and routines do not allow me to spare enough time for this task, anyone interested in maintaining this web site, pakistaniMARITIME.Com, with the spirit of serving seafarers community may contact me and we can discuss his participation.

Finally, I very well understand that we are all busy, and sparing time for a subject like this may not be very tempting.

Few minutes of your time spent in commenting about this subject may benefit many - saving many careers and loss of hard earned money.

Your opinion is very important and precious - so do not hold it with you - just send it, express it. Say what ever you think should be changed and your ideas on how to implement the changes.

Say what ever comes to your mind and say more when you get a fresh brain wave!

Tell any thing and everything that comes to your mind.

Do not put it on tomorrow !

Come on – let’s start - open up the email and begin typing - Isn't this all we need :)


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