Meaning of sea power in English:

sea power


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mass noun
  • A country's naval strength, especially as a weapon of war.

    ‘centuries of freedom from foreign occupation behind the barrier of sea power’
    • ‘British sea power’
    • ‘Much of their explanation of the strategic utility of navies and of sea power is as valid today as it was a century ago.’
    • ‘In that context, sea power is really only relevant to the extent that it influences events elsewhere.’
    • ‘Britain owed its survival in this long struggle to its national determination to keep fighting, to its financial strength and to its sea power.’
    • ‘Japanese geography and sea power, therefore, collectively pose an inherent obstacle to Chinese expansion into the Pacific as long as Taiwan remains free of mainland control.’
    • ‘The statement may seem matter of fact, yet in context it demonstrates Japan's concern with China's burgeoning sea power.’
    • ‘Alfred Thayer Mahan's concept of sea power perfectly matches the nation's vision of itself.’
    • ‘However, in all this, I don't think anyone has discussed the global influence of sea power in determining the outcome of a game.’
    • ‘Boyne does not mirror every aspect of Mahan's book or compare sea power to airpower.’
    • ‘A fervent believer in the Mahanian doctrine of sea power, Roosevelt paid particular attention to the U.S. Navy as the first line of defense and a primary instrument of American foreign policy.’
    • ‘Just as sea power was the key to super power status in the 18th and 19th centuries, and air power in the 20th century, space power is the key for such status in the new century.’
    • ‘Pompey is in Misena now; his sea power is great, and his land power is getting stronger, and Antony worries about confronting him.’
    • ‘We should continue to use space power to enhance air, land, and sea power; however, it can do much more.’
    • ‘‘When Britain's sea power was in its prime,’ he began arrestingly, ‘Samuel Pepys ran our Navy almost single-handed.’’
    • ‘German military air and sea power in the North Atlantic region had increased considerably after the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 and of France in 1940.’
    • ‘In the 1914-18 conflict allied sea power facilitated the dismemberment of Germany's overseas empire and enforced a blockade of Germany and Austria-Hungary.’
    • ‘For centuries, London built balance-of-power coalitions that enabled Albion to preserve its sea power, while not getting bogged down in losing ground wars.’
    • ‘Unlike land-based military might - designed for the conquest of human-occupied territory - sea power has had different functions at different times.’
    • ‘Preceding WWI, the entire continent of Europe was enveloped with intense competition for sea power, trade, language and territorial disputes.’
    • ‘Rice said South Korean forces are now stronger while U.S. troops there are more technologically capable, with air and sea power contributing more to the deterrent.’
    • ‘Farragut's career paralleled the development of U.S. sea power.’