ICC International Contact Club

What does ICC stand for?

The International Contact Club (ICC) provides opportunities for international guests to meet. ICC organises cultural activities for international members of the academic community. These activities favour cultural exchange, meeting each other and making new friends. ICC is run by a group of volunteers who work together with KU Leuven Student Services. Membership is completely free for KU Leuven members and their families.

HigHlights 2015-2016



Image Bruges



  • Saturday October 10: Visit of Leuven Town Hall and Sint-Pieters Church
  • Saturday October 17: Trip to Paris
  • Tuesday November 10: Visit of the Carillon and the Central Library of the University
  • Saturday November 21: Visit of Port of Antwerp
  • Saturday December 5: Saint Nicholas
  • Saturday December 12: Visit Inbev (Stella Artois) brewery

How to participate?

As an international scholar, a foreign postgraduate, pre-doctoral, doctoral or post-doctoral student you and your partner/family can join any trip or participate in any of the activities we organise. You can register online for trips, but paying takes place at Pangaea (Vesaliusstraat 34) a few days before the trip.