University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


? = missing information

JH = Journal of Homosexuality
JHS = Journal of the History of Sexuality
JSZ = Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen
ZSW = Zeitschrift für Sexuellwissenschaft

Please send corrections and additions to jmerrick@csd.uwm.edu


Robert Aldrich, The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art, and Homosexual Fantasy (London, 1993), 34-57

Among Men, Among Women: Sociological and Historical Recognition of Homosocial Arrangements (Amsterdam conference, 1983)

Cécile Beurdeley, L'Amour bleu (Fribourg, 1978; New York, 1978), chapters 4-5

Thomas DiPiero & Pat Gill, Illicit Sex: Identity Politics in Early Modern Culture (Athens, 1997)

Martin Duberman et al., ed., Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past (New York, 1989)

Wayne Dynes & Stephen Donaldsen, ed., Studies in Homosexuality, vol. 5: History of Homosexuality in Europe and America (Hamden, 1992)

Louise Fradenburg & Carla Freccero, ed., Premodern Sexualities (New York, 1996)

Kent Gerard & Gert Hekma, ed., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment Europe (New York, 1989) [JH 16/1-2 (1988)]

Jonathan Goldberg, ed., Queering the Renaissance (Durham, 1994)

David Greenberg, The Construction of Homosexuality (Chicago, 1988), chapters 7-8

Jean Hagstrum, The Restoration to Romanticism (Evanston, 1989)

__________, Sex and Sensibility: Ideal and Erotic Love from Milton to Mozart (Chicago, 1980)

Paul Hallam, The Book of Sodom (New York, 1993)

Joost Heinsius, "Development of Homosocial Relations between Straight Men in Western Europe since the Late Middle Ages," in Among Men, 207-23

Gert Hekma, "Sodomites, Platonic Lovers, Contrary Lovers: The Backgrounds of the Modern Homosexual," in Gerard & Hekma, 433-56

Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality? (Amsterdam conference, 1987)

Lynn Hunt, ed., Eroticism and the Body Politic (Baltimore, 1991)

__________, ed., The Invention of Pornography (New York, 1993)

Pierre Hurteau, "Catholic Moral Discourse on Male Sodomy and Masturbation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries," JHS 4 (1993):1-26

Anette Kruszynski, Der Ganymed-Mythos in Emblematik und mythographischer Literatur des 16. Jahhunderts (Worms, 1985)

François Le Targat, Saint Sébastien dans l'histoire de l'art depuis le XVe siècle (Paris, 1977)

Salvatore Licata & Robert Petersen, ed., Historical Perspectives on Homosexuality (New York, 1981) [JH 6/1-2 (1980-81)]

Robert Maccubbin, ed., Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexual Behavior during the Enlightenment (Cambridge, 1987)

E. W. Monter, Ritual, Myth, and Magic in Early Modern Europe (Athens, 1983), 117-8

Stephen Murray, "Homosexual Acts and Selves in Early Modern Europe," in Gerard & Hekma, 457-77

__________ & Kent Gerard, "Renaissance Sodomite Subcultures?" in Among Men, 183-96

Eugene Rice, "The Renaissance Idea of Sodomy," Renaissance Quarterly ? (199?):?

G. S. Rousseau, "'In the House of Madame Vander Tasse on the Long Bridge': A Homosocial University Club in Early Modern Europe," in Gerard & Hekma, 311-48

__________, "The Pursuit of Homosexuality in the Eighteenth Century: Utterly Confused Category and/or Rich Repository?" in Maccubbin, 132-68

__________ & Roy Porter, ed., Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment (Chapel Hill, 1988)

Jacques Solé, L'Amour en occident à l'époque moderne (Paris, 1976), 207-17

Pieter Spierenburg, The Broken Spell: A Cultural and Anthropological History of Preindustrial Europe (New Brunswick, 1991), 271-4

Claude Summers, ed., The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage: A Reader's Companion to the Writers and Their Works from Antiquity to the Present (New York, 1995)

Randolph Trumbach, "Gender and the Homosexual Role in Modern Western Culture: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Compared," in Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality? ed. Dennis Altman (London, 1989), 149-69

__________, "Sodomitical Subcultures, Sodomitical Roles, and the Gender Revolution of the Eighteenth Century: The Recent Historiography," in Maccubbin, 109-21, reprinted in Dynes & Donaldsen

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Henri d'Alméras, Marie-Antoinette et les pamphlets royalistes: Les Amoureux de la reine (Paris, n. d.)

Harriette Andreadis, "Sappho in Early Modern England," in Re-reading Sappho: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Ellen Greene (Berkeley, 1996), ?

Antoine de Baecque, La Caricature révolutionnaire (Paris, 1988), 186-93

Ros Balaster, "The Vices of Old Rome Revived: Representations of Female Same-Sex Desire in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century England," in Volcanoes and Pearl-Divers: Essays in Lesbian Feminist Studies, ed. Suzanne Raitt (London, 1995), 13-36

Anne Barstow, Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts (San Francisco, 1994), 72, 139-41

Olivier Blanc, Les Libertines: Plaisir et liberté au temps des Lumières; (Paris, 1997)

Marie-Jo Bonnet, Un Choix sans équivoque: Recherches historiques sur les relations amoureuses entre les femmes, XVIe-XXe siècles (Paris, 1981, 1995)

Judith Brown, Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy (Oxford, 1986)

Vivian Cameron, "Gender and Power: Images of Women in Late Eighteenth-Century France," History of European Ideas 10 (1989):309-32

__________, "Political Exposures: Sexuality and Caricature in the French Revolution," in Hunt 1991, 90-107

Jill Casid, "Queer(y)ing Georgic: Utility, Pleasure, and Marie-Antoinette's Ornamented Farm," Eighteenth-Century Studies 30 (1997):304-18

Pamela Cheek, "The Actress' Characters: Rank Impersonation in the Mémoires secrets," in The Mémoires secrets and the Secrets of the Enlightenment, ed. Jeremy Popkin & Bernadette Fort (Oxford, 1997), ?

Elizabeth Colwill, "Les Crimes de Marie-Antoinette: Images d'une femme mutine dans le discours révolutionnaire," in Les Femmes et la Révolution française, ed. Marie-France Brive, 3 vols. (Toulouse, 1989-91), 2:207-20

__________, "Just Another Citoyenne? Marie Antoinette on Trial, 1790-93," History Workshop 28 (1989):63-87

__________, "Pass as a Woman, Act like a Man: Marie-Antoinette as Tribade in the Pornography of the French Revolution," in Merrick & Ragan, 54-79

Peter Conroy, "Gender Issues in Diderot's La Religieuse," Diderot Studies 24 (1991):47-66

Patricia Crawford & Sara Mendelson, "Sexual Identity in Early Modern England: The Marriage of Two Women in 1680," Gender & History 7 (1995):362-77

Louis Crompton, "The Myth of Lesbian Impunity: Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791," in Licata & Petersen, 11-26

Marc Daniel, "Comment Churchill devient Marlborough," Arcadie 2 (1955):39-43, 2/4 (1955):46-9

__________, "Sapho sous Pompadour," Arcadie 6 (1954):34-9

Joan DeJean, Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937 (Chicago, 1989)

Emma Donoghue, "Imagined More than Women: Lesbians as Hermaphrodites, 1671-1766," Women's History Review 2 (1993):199-216

__________, Passions between Women: British Lesbian Culture, 1668-1801 (London, 1993; New York, 1995)

Brigitte Eriksson, ed., "A Lesbian Execution in Germany, 1721: The Trial Records," in Licata & Petersen, 27-40

Lilian Faderman, Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love between Women from the Renaissance to the Present (New York, 1981)

Hector Fleischmann, L'Enfer de la galanterie à la fin de l'ancien régime: Le Cénacle libertin de Mlle Raucourt (Paris, 1912)

__________, Histoires licencieuses: Les Maîtresses de Marie- Antoinette (Paris, 1910)

__________, Madame de Polignac et la cour galante de Marie- Antoinette (Paris, 1910)

__________, Marie-Antoinette libertine (Paris, 1911)

__________, Les Pamphlets libertins contre Marie-Antoinette (Paris, 1908)

Jean Hervez [Raoul Vèze], Les Sociétés d'amour au XVIIIe siècle (Paris, 1906)

Elaine Hobby, "Katherine Philips: Seventeenth-Century Lesbian Poet," in What Lesbians Do in Books, ed. Elaine Hobby & Chris White (London, 1991), 183-204

__________, "Seventeenth-Century English Lesbianism: First Steps," in Homosexuality, 44-55

Sophie Hoechstetter, "Christine, Königen von Schweden in ihrer Jugend: Ein Versuch (Essay)," JSZ 9 (1908):168-96

Lynn Hunt, "The Many Bodies of Marie-Antoinette," in Hunt 1991, 108-30

La Liberté ou Mlle Raucourt (1791) [Cahiers GKC 4 (1989)]

Elizabeth Mavor, The Ladies of Llangollen (New York, 1966)

__________, ed., A Year with the Ladies of Llangollen (New York, 1984)

Georges May, Diderot et La Religieuse (New Haven, 1954)

Sarah Maza, "The Diamond Necklace Affair Revisited, 1785-86: The Case of the Missing Queen," in Hunt, 63-89

Maaike Meijer, "Pious and Learned Female Bosom-Friends in Holland in the Eighteenth Century," Among Men, 404-19, 573-6

Vivienne Mylne, "What Suzanne Knew: Lesbianism and La Religieuse," Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 208 (1982):167-74

Kathryn Norberg, "The Libertine Whore: Prostitution in French Pornography from Margot to Juliette," in Hunt 1993, 225-52

Katharine Park, "The Rediscovery of the Clitoris: French Medicine and the Tribade, 1570-1620," in The Body in Parts: Discourses and Anatomies in Early Modern Europe, ed. Carla Mazzio & David Hillman (?, ?), ?

Jean de Reuilly [Henri Vial], La Raucourt et ses amies: Etude historique des moeurs sapphiques au XVIIIe siècle (Paris, 1909)

Jacques Revel, "Marie-Antoinette in Her Fictions: The Staging of Hatred," in Fictions of the French Revolution, ed. Bernadette Fort (Evanston, 1991), 111-29

Walter Rex, "Secrets from Suzanne: The Tangled Motives of La Religieuse," The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 23 (1983):185-98

La Secte des anandrynes: Confession de Mlle Sapho, ed. Jean Hervez (Paris, 1920), reprinted by Cahiers GKC

Eve Sedgwick, "Privilege of Unknowing: Diderot's The Nun," Genders 1 (1988):102-24, reprinted in her Tendencies (Durham, 1993), 23-51

Patricia Simons, "Lesbian (In)visibility in Italian Renaissance Culture: Diana and Other Cases of donna con donna," JH 27 (1994):81-122

Chantal Thomas, La Reine scélérate: Marie-Antoinette dans les pamphlets (Paris, 1989)

Valerie Traub, "The (In)significance of Lesbian Desire in Early Modern England," in Erotic Politics: Desire on the Renaissance Stage, ed. Susan Zimmerman (New York, 1992), 150-69, reprinted in Goldberg, 62-83

__________, "The Perversion of 'Lesbian' Desire," History Workshop 41 (1996):23-49

__________, "The Psychomorphology of the Clitoris," GLQ 2 (1995): 81-114

Randolph Trumbach, "London's Sapphists: From Three Sexes to Four Genders in the Making of Modern Culture," in Body Guards: The Cultural Politics of Gender Ambiguity, ed. Julia Epstein & Kristina Straub (New York, 1991), 112-41, revised in Third Sex/Third Gender, ed. Gilbert Herdt (New York, 1994), 111-36

Jack Undank, "Diderot's 'Unnatural' Acts: Secrets from the Convent," French Forum 11 (1986):151-67

Theo Van der Meer, "Tribades on Trial: Female Sex Offenders in Late Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam," JHS 1 (1991):424-45, reprinted in Dynes & Donaldsen

Martha Vicinus, "'They Wonder to Which Sex I Belong': The Historical Roots of the Modern Lesbian Identity," Feminist Studies 18 (1992):467-97

Merry Wiesner, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (New York, 1993), 53-6

Carolyn Woodward, "Lesbian Narrative Space in the Mid-Eighteenth- Century British Novel," Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 305 (1993):1442-5

__________, "'My Heart So Wrapt': Lesbian Disruptions in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction," Signs 18 (1993):838-65

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Henry Abelove, The Evangelist of Desire: John Wesley and the Methodists (Stanford, 1990), 66-70

__________, "Some Speculations on the History of Sexual Intercourse during the Long Eighteenth Century in England," Genders 6 (1989):125-30

J. M. Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800 (Princeton, 1986), 434 459, 515

Jeremy Bentham, "Offenses against One's Self: Paederasty," ed. Louis Crompton, JH 3 (1978):383-405; 4 (1978):91-107

Raymond Bentman, "Thomas Gray and the Poetry of 'Hopeless Love,'" JHS 3 (1992):203-22

David Bergeron, Royal Family, Royal Lovers: King James of England and Scotland (London, 1991), 28-31, 183-4

Caroline Bingham, "Seventeenth-Century Attitudes toward Deviant Sex," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 1 (1971):447-68

Jennifer Brady, "Fear and Loathing in Marlowe's Edward II," in Sexuality and Politics in Renaissance Drama, ed. Carole Levin & Karen Robertson (Lewiston, 1991), 175-91

Alan Bray, "Dreams, Fantasies, and Fears: Defining Sexuality in Elizabethan England," in Homosexuality, 18-30

__________, "Homosexuality and the Signs of Male Friendship in Elizabethan England," History Workshop 29 (1990):1-19, reprinted in Goldberg, 40-61

__________, Homosexuality in Renaissance England (London, 1982, 1988; New York, 1995)

Gregory Bredbeck, Sodomy and Interpretation: Marlowe to Milton (Ithaca, 1991)

Steven Bruhm, "Roderick Random's Closet," English Studies in Canada 19 (1993):401-15

E. J. Burford, London, the Synfulle Citie (London, 1990)

__________, The Orrible Synne: A Look at London Lechery from Roman Times to Cromwell (London, 1973)

__________, Wits, Wenches, and Wantons: London's Low Life: Covent Garden in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1986)

B. R. Burg, "Ho Hum, Another Work of the Devil: Buggery in Early Stuart England," in Licata & Petersen, 69-78

__________, Sodomy and the Perception of Evil: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean (New York, 1983)

Joseph Cady, "Masculine Love, Renaissance Writing, and the New Invention of Homosexuality," in Summers, 9-40

__________, "Renaissance Awareness and Language for Heterosexuality: 'Love' and 'Feminine Love,'" in Renaissance Discourses of Desire, ed. Claude Summers & Ted-Larry Pebworth (Columbia, 1993), 143-58

Jill Campbell, "Politics and Sexuality in Portraits of John, Lord Hervey," Word and Image 4 (1990):281-97

Charles Carlton, "The Dream Life of Archbishop Laud," History Today 36/12 (1986):9-14

Warren Chernaik, Sexual Freedom in Restoration Literature (Cambridge, 1995)

Robert Corber, "Representing the Unspeakable: William Godwin and the Politics of Homophobia," JHS 1 (1990):85-101

Louis Crompton, "Homophobia in Georgian England," in Among Men, 235-44

__________, Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in Nineteenth-Century England (Berkeley, 1985)

Marc Daniel, "L'Homosexualité en Angleterre," Arcadie 47 (1957):5-10; 48 (1957):12-7; 49 (1958):4-42; 51 (1958):28-30

Richard Davenport-Hines, Sex, Death, and Punishment: Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance (Glasgow, 1990)

B. J. Davey, Rural Crime in the Eighteenth Century: North Lincolnshire, 1740-80 (Hull, 1994), 42-3

James Dubro, "The Third Sex: Lord Hervey and His Coterie," Eighteenth-Century Life 2 (1976):89-95

Christopher Durston, The Family in the English Revolution (Oxford, 1989), 31

Lee Edelman, "The Sodomite's Tongue and the Bourgeois Body in Eighteenth-Century England," in his Homographesis: Essays in Gay Literature and Cultural History (New York, 1994), 121-8

Heather Findlay, "Queering the English Renaissance," Diacritics 24 (1994):227-37

Arthur Gilbert, "Buggery and the British Navy, 1700-1861," Journal of Social History 10 (1976):72-98, reprinted in Dynes & Donaldsen

__________, "Sodomy and the Law in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Britain," Societas 8 (1978):225-41

Robert Gleckner, Gray Agonistes: Thomas Gray and Masculine Friendship (Baltimore, 1996)

Jonathan Goldberg, Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities (Stanford, 1992)

__________, "Sodomy and Society: The Case of Christopher Marlowe," Southwest Review 69 (1984):371-8

Jody Greene, "'You Must Eat Men': The Sodomite Economy of Renaissance Paronage," GLQ 1 (1994):163-98

Stephen Guy-Bray, "Homophobia and the Depoliticization of Edward II," English Studies in Canada 17 (1991):125-33

George Haggerty, "Beckford's Paederasty," in DiPiero, 123-42

__________, "Literature and Homosexuality in the Late Eighteenth Century: Walpole, Beckford, and Lewis," Studies in the Novel 18 (1986):?, reprinted in Studies in Homosexuality, vol. 8: Homoexual Themes in Literary Studies, ed. Wayne Dynes & Stephen Donaldsen (Hamden, 1992), 167-78

__________, "O lachrymarum fons: Tears, Poetry, and Desire in Gray," Eighteenth-Century Studies 30 (1996):81-96

Robert Halsband, Lord Hervey, Eighteenth-Century Courtier (London, 1979)

Graham Hammill, "The Epistemology of Expurgation: Bacon and The Masculine Birth of Time," in Goldberg, 236-52

A. D. Harvey, Sex in Georgian England: Attitudes and Prejudices from the 1720s to the 1820s (London, 1994)

Cynthia Herrup, "The Patriarch at Home: The Trial of the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven for Rape and Sodomy," Radical History Review 41 (1996):1-18

__________, Sex, Law, and Patriarchy in Early Modern England: The Trials of the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven (?, 199?)

Christopher Hill, "Male Homosexuality in Seventeenth-Century England," History Workshop 18 (1984):?, reprinted in his Collected Essays, vol. 3: Peoples and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century England (Amhert, 1986), 226-35

H. Montgomery Hyde, The Other Love: An Historical and Contemporary Survey of Homosexuality in Britain (London, 1970), chapters 2-3

James I, Lettters, ed. G. P. V. Akrigg (Berkeley, 1984)

Michael Kimmel, ed., Love Letters between a Certain Late Nobleman and the Famous Mr. Wilson (New York, 1990) [JH 19/2 (1990)]

Isaac Kramnick, The Rage of Edmund Burke: Portrait of an Ambivalent Conservative (New York, 1977)

Roger Lockyer, Buckingham: The Life and Political Career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham, 1592-1628 (London, 1981)

Donald Mager, "John Bale and Early Tudor Sodomy Discourse," in Goldberg, 151-61

Frank McLynn, Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England (Oxford, 1989), 109-10, 283-85

Paul Monod, Jacobitism and the English People, 1688-1788 (Cambridge, 1993), 55

Polly Morris, "Sodomy and Male Honor: The Case of Somerset, 1740-1850," in Gerard & Hekma, 383-406

Rictor Norton, Mother Clap's Molly House: The Gay Subculture in England, 1700-1830 (London, 1992)

John O'Neill, "Sexuality, Deviance, and Moral Character in the Personal Satire of the Restoration," Eighteenth-Century Life 2 (1975):16-9

Craig Patterson, "The Rage of Caliban: Eighteenth-Century Molly Houses and the Twentieth-Century Search for Sexual Identity," in DiPiero, 256-70

Elizabeth Pitinger, "'To Serve the Queere': Nicholas Udall, Master of Revels," in Goldberg, 162-89

G. R. Quaife, Wanton Wenches and Wayward Wives: Peasants and Illicit Sex in Early Seventeenth-Century England (New Brunswick, 1975), 175-7

David Rollinson, "Property, Ideology, and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village, 1660-1740," Past & Present 93 (1981):70-97

William Roosen, "Love Letters between a Certain Late Nobleman and the Famous Mr. Wilson," in Erotica and the Enlightenment, ed. Peter Wagner (Frankfurt, 1991), 354-66

G. S. Rousseau, "Cannibal Discourse, the Grand Tour, and Literary History," Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 303 (1993):35-70

__________, "Discourses on Sexual Difference: Beau Wilson and the Mythologies of Homosexual Love," Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 19 (1989):289-324

__________, "The Sorrows of Priapus: Anticlericalism, Homosocial Desire, and Richard Payne Knight," in Rousseau & Porter, 101-55

Dennis Rubini, "Sexuality and Augustan England: Sodomy, Politics, Elite Circles, and Society," in Gerard & Hekma, 349-82

Winfried Schleiner, "Burton's Use of praeteritio in Discussing Same-Sex Relationships," in Renaissance Discourses of Desire, ed. Claude Summers & Ted-Larry Pebworth (Columbia, 1993), 159-78

__________, "'That Matter Which Ought Not To Be Heard Of': Homophobic Slurs in Renaissance Cultural Politics," JH 26 (1994):41-76

Laurence Senelick, "Mollies or Men of Mode? Sodomy and the Eighteenth-Century London Stage," JHS 1 (1990):33-67, reprinted in Dynes & Donaldsen

J. A. Sharpe, Crime in Seventeenth-Century England: A County Study (Cambridge, 1983), 65-6

Simon Shepherd, "What's So Funny about Ladies' Tailors? A Survey of Some Male (Homo)Sexual Types in the Renaissance," in Homosexuality, 60-72, published in Textual Practice 6 (1992):17-30

Antony Simpson, "Masculinity and Control: The Prosecution of Sex Offences in Eighteenth-Century London," Ph. D. dissertation, New York University, 1984

Bruce Smith, Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare's England: A Cultural Poetics (Chicago, 1991)

__________, "Making a Difference: Male/Male Desire in Tragedy, Comedy, and Tragi-Comedy," in Erotic Politics: Desire on the Renaissance Strage, ed. Susan Zimmerman (New York, 1992), 127-49

Alan Stewart, Close Readers: Humanism and Sodomy in Early Modern England (Prinecton, 1997)

David Stoker, "The Tailor of Diss: Sodomy and Murder in a Norfolk Market Town," Factotum 31 (1990):18-21

Karen Stansworth, "Picturing a Personal History: The Case of Edward Onslow," Art History 16 (1993):408-23

Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex, and Marriage in England, 1500-1800 (New York, 1977)

Kristina Straub, "Men from Boys: Masculinity, Homosexuality, and Gender Identity: Cibber, Pope, and the Schoolboy," The Eighteenth Century 32 (1991):219-39

__________, Sexual Suspects: Eighteenth-Century Players and Sexual Ideology (Princeton, 1992)

Claude Summers, "Homosexuality and Renaissance Literature or the Anxieties of Anachronism," South Central Review 9 (1992):2-23

__________, ed., Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: Literary Representations in Historical Context (New York, 1992) [JH 23/1-2 (1992)]

Gary Thomas, "Was George Frideric Handel Gay? On Closet Questions and Cultural Politics," in Queering the Pitch: The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology, ed. Philip Brett et al. (New York, 1994), 155-203

Keith Thomas, "As You Like It," New York Review of Books, 22 September 1994, 9-12

Roger Thompson, Unfit for Modest Ears: A Study of Pornographic, Obscene, and Bawdy Works Written or Published in England in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century (London, 1979)

Valerie Traub, Desire and Anxiety: Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama (New York, 1992)

Randolph Trumbach, "The Birth of the Queen: Sodomy and the Emergence of Gender Equality in Modern Culture," in Duberman, 129-40

__________, "Erotic Fantasy and Male Libertinism in Enlightenment England," in Hunt 1993, 253-82

__________, "London's Sodomites: Homosexual Behavior and Western Culture in the Eighteenth Century," Journal of Social History 11 (1977):1-33

__________, "Sex, Gender, and Sexual Identity in Modern Culture: Male Sodomy and Female Prostitution in Enlightenment London," JHS 2 (1991):186-203

__________, "Sodomitical Assaults, Gender Role, and Sexual Development in Eighteenth-Century London," in Gerard & Hekma, 407-29

__________, "Sodomy Transformed: Aristocratic Libertinage, Public Reputation, and the Gender Revolution of the Eighteenth Century," in Kimmel, 105-24

__________, ed., Sodomy Trials [Marriage, Sex, and the Family in England, 1660-1800, volume 24] (New York, 1986), including: The Trial and Condemnation of Mervin, Lord Audley of Castlehaven, at Westminster, April 5, 1631 (1699)
The Woman Hater's Lamentation (1707)
A Faithful Narrative of the Proceedings in the Late Affair between the Rev. Mr. John Swinton and Mr. George Baker, both of Wadham College, Oxford (1739)
The Whole Proceedings on the Wicked Conspiracy Carried on against the Hon. Edward Walpole, Esq. by John Cather, Adam Nixon, Daniel Alexander, Patrick Cane alias Kane, and Others (1751)
The Trial of Samuel Scrimshaw and John Ross for a Conspiracy in Sending Threatening Letters to Humphrey Morice (1759)
The Trial of Richard Branson for an Attempt to Commit Sodomy on the Body of James Fassett (1760)

Peter Wagner, Eros Revived: Erotica of the Enlightenment in England and America (London, 1985)

Retha Warnicke, The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn: Family Politics at the Court of Henry VIII (New York, 1989), 3-4, 191-5, 202, 214, 216-8, 220-1

__________, "Sexual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII," Historical Journal 30 (1987):247-68

Shearer West, "Libertinism and the Ideology of Male Friendship in the Portraits of the Society of Dilettanti," Eighteenth-Century Life 16 (1992):76-104

Robert Wren, "Pederasty in Elizabethan London," in Homosexuality, 37-49

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Barisa Krekic, "Abominandum Crimen: Punishment of Homosexuals in Renaissance Dubrovnik," Viator 18 (1987):337-45

Eve Levin, Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700 (Ithaca, 1989), 197-205, 289-93

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Alain, "Le Tragique destin de J.-B. Nattier," Arcadie 15 (1955):26-30

__________, "Voltaire fut-il un infâme?" Arcadie 3 (1954):27-34

Robert Amar, "Un Sodomite de génie: Jean-Baptiste Lully, 1632-87," Arcadie 172 (1968)163-70; 173 (1968):229-35

Antoine de Baecque, "Dégénérescence et régénération ou comment le livre licencieux juge la Révolution française," in Livre et révolution, ed. Roger Chartier & Daniel Roche (Paris, 1989), 123-32, reprinted in L'Enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale, vol. 6 (P aris, 1987), 247-63

__________, "Pamphlets: Libel and Political Mythology," in Revolution in Print: The Press in France, 1775-1800, ed. Robert Darnton & Daniel Roche (Berkeley, 1989), 165-76

Nancy Nichols Barker, Brother to the Sun King: Philippe, Duke of Orléans (Baltimore, 1989), 56-65, 237-8

William Beck, "The Obscure Montaigne: The Quotation, the Addition, and the Footnote," College Language Association Journal 34 (1990):228-52

Erica-Marie Benabou, La Prostitution et la police des moeurs au XVIIIe siècle (Paris, 1987), 180-6

Le Bordel apostolique institutué par Pie VI (1790), reprinted by Cahiers GKC ? (199?)

Joseph Cady, "The 'Masculine Love' of the 'Princes of Sodom' 'Practising the Art of Ganymede' at Henri III's Court: The Homosexuality of Henry III and His Mignons in Pierre de l'Estoile's Mémoires-Journaux," in Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West, ed. Jacqueline Murray & Konrad Eisenbichler (Toronto, 1996), 124-54

Patrick Cardon, ed., "L'Ombre de Deschauffours (1739)," Cahiers GKC 24 (1994):89-117

Kathleen Collins, "Théophile de Viau and the Echoes of Distant Voices," Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 1991, 109-14

Claude Courouve, "L'Amour socratique du Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire," Cahiers GKC 24 (1994):79-87

__________, "Aspects of Male Love in the French Language," Gay Books Bulletin 7 (1982):13-4

__________, Les Assemblées de la manchette (Paris, 1987)

__________, "1791 Law Reform in France," Cabirion and Gay Books Bulletin 12 (1985):9-10

__________, "Sodomy Trials in France," Gay Books Bulletin 1 (1978):22-6

__________, Vocabulaire de l'homosexualité masculine (Paris, 1985)

__________, "The Word 'Bardache,'" Gay Books Bulletin 8 (1982):18-9

D. A. Coward, "Attitudes toward Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century France," Journal of European Studies 10 (1980):231-55, reprinted in Dynes & Donaldsen

Marc Daniel, "A propos de Cambacérès," Arcadie 95 (1961):559-68

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