The point of an argument is to give reasons in support of some
conclusion. An argument commits a fallacy when the reasons offered
do not support the conclusion.

These pages describe the known logical fallacies. To browse, either
go to the index or follow the 'next' and'previous' icons.

Each fallacy is described in the following format:

    Name: this is the generally accepted name of the fallacy
    Definition: the fallacy is defined
    Examples: examples of the fallacy are given
    Proof: the steps needed to prove that the fallacy is committed

If you can think of more fallacies that you'd really like to see, please send me a note. For more information: please consult the references and resource pages. For educators: the entire document is now stored in one file for easy download. Please see the bottom of the index page. And as always, I hope you'll find the time to browse my home page. Thanks for the support!

In the long run, this site will become a complete discussion of logic. In my view, the reasons why the fallacies are, in fact, fallacies should be given. As a prelude to this, please take a look at The Categorical Converter (note that it needs to be supported with more informative pages, however, it may be of interest to people who already understand categorical inferences).

10 August 1996

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