Welcome to ...    __  ___      __  __ _      
                        /  |/  /___ _/ /_/ /( )_____
                       / /|_/ / __ `/ __/ __/// ___/
                      / /  / / /_/ / /_/ /_  (__  )  
                     /_/  /_/\__,_/\__/\__/ /____/    ... Homepage

This page is being re-designed!

Go to the Spod! page!

Go to the MoodE page!

Go to the Channel Islands Internet Usergroup webpage.

Contact me via ICQ.

Go to the PennMUSH RC5DES team homepage.

You know, there isn't much here! Thats because this page always seems to end up very badly out of date, and I don't seem to have time to write a good one. Ah well.

If you want my PGP public key, click:

Here for the key for matt@mpc.dyn.ml.org

Email me, if you feel like it. :P

Last update: 6.5.98