Beej's Guides

Over the years I've accumulated much information on many computer-related things, and I feel strangely compelled to share them with others. There aren't many things here now, but I'm working on it.

Beej's Guide to Network Programming
This is a beginner's guide to socket programming with Internet sockets. It is meant to be a springboard that will launch you into the exciting world of TCP/IP programming. This document has earned a fair amount of praise.

Beej's Guide to Unix Interprocess Communication
Now that you have extra-process communication going on with sockets, why not try your hand at some interprocess communication, eh? Shared memory, semaphores, signals, and memory mapped files await you!

Beej's Guide to Killing Dragons
If you play Moria, this will help you slay Ancient Multi-Hued Dragons from the safety of your own home.

The Windows95 Scheduler
A brief overview of how Windows95 schedules 32-bit applications. If only all Windows apps were 32-bit, eh? I wrote this for a class, so it's a bit more serious than the others. Oh well. Maybe I'll lighten it up later.

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