Zho Mayday SOS GK

Welcome to The Zhodani Base. This page contains information about traveller and other cool games. This is not an official site, and all games mentioned are registered trademarks. Click on the icons below to go to the section you want. If you think this site is too slow. Try the mirror-site at Xoom.

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.

BeRKA Jump Zone Locker Ship Animal
A-Z Rules Goodies Zat X ImpSun


Zho watt is dis? What is the meaning of the ugly icons?

If you click me (Berka) it will take you to my site at passagen. The Hyper-Space icon will take you to my traveller-links. Click on the planet with an amber-zone and you will go to my adventures. The key-hole icon (with an helium-atom) takes you to my equipment guide. The ship icon to my Ship designs. Click the ugly creature and go to my bestiary.

In the next row...
The book-icon takes you to my library data. The justice sign to my house rules. The candy to my goodies page, where you can find the good stuff without having to bother about my ideas how to use them. The "ZAT-sign" take you to my internet contact page, where you can mail me or go to "The Zhodani Bulletin Board". The green X takes you to Yahoo's X-files, and finally the Imperial Sunburst (yack, what is that doing on a zhodani-page... :-)) takes you to the Imperium Games official site.

Dilbert zhodani